Marine Hull Insurance Policy


Welcome to the Marine Hull insurance section of our site. This page provides you with some information about the cover and why we have it.

What is Marine Hull cover?

The policy provides coverage for USP-owned vessels. The sum insured is based on the current market value of the vessels. The values are provided by the responsible School/Department annually or when needed. Any additional vessels must be notified to the Risk and Insurance Unit for cover to be arranged.

What are we insured for?

We are covered for the risks of physical loss or damage, collision and any potential passenger losses.  The policy provides for the cost of replacement or repair following damage and/or loss of items.

  • We’re only insured for vessels used in Fijian waters.

How much are we covered for?

Protection & Indemnity including passenger liability:

Limit of Liability


2,000,000 FJD (each vessel) Protection & Indemnity, any one occurrence

2,000,000 FJD Passenger Liability, any one occurrence

Sum insured over $50,000:  2,500 FJD for each and every loss

Sum Insured between $5,000 – $50,000: 1,500 FJD for each and every loss

Sum insured below $5,000: $500 each and every loss

Protection & Indemnity: 2,500

What are the main policy requirements?

  • Vessels must be surveyed, manned, operated and equipped at all times in compliance with the maritime authority regulations in Fiji. This is the MSAF.
  • The cover is for up to 200 nautical miles within coastal waters of the Republic of Fiji.
  • There is a strict cyclone warranty in the policy. It requires vessels to be moored in approved places of storage. These include USP Lower Campus (Suva Point), Dravui Island, Kadavu Island and the Yasawa Islands. There are other approved places. Please contact us for further details.
  • The activity must be approved USP activity. Anything not approved is not covered.

How do we report incidents under this policy?

Any incident must be reported to the Risk and Insurance Unit. Reports need to include matters that may result in injury or damage to a third party, such as a visiting lecturer.

Date Reviewed: 02-January-2020

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