
Name: Sushita Sharma
Position: Teaching Assistant
Phone: (+679) 323 1382

Detail Information

Research Interest
Current research focus in area of Calibration Estimation using Auxiliary Variables. Other then that, research areas extend to educational research in student performance and machine learning and AI assisted learning.

Working PhD Research and Thesis

Undergraduate Courses:

  • MA102 – Mathematics for Science
  • ST130 – Basic Statistics
  1. Johnson,J., Reddy,P., Sharma,S., (2022). Attitude and Achievement of First-Year Chemistry Undergraduate Students at The University of the South Pacific. Frontiers In Education. (7,873571).
  2. Khan,M.G.M., Rashid, M.A., Sharma,S., (2020). An optimal multivariate cluster sampling design. Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 49(24), pp6121-6128.
  3. Sharma, S., Khan, Thimmappa, P. R., (1998). Implications of school-based assessments for the Pacific, Directions: Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 25(1-2), 40-55, 2003.
  • Chaudary,K., Lal, G., Sharma,S., (2021). Obstacle Avoidance of a Point-Mass Robot using Feedforward Neural Network. Niles 2021- 3rd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference Proceedings, 2021, pp.210-215.
  • Sharma, S., Khan, M. G. M., (2015). Determining optimum cluster size and sampling unit for multivariate study.  2015 2nd Asia- Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering APWC on CSE 2015.
  • Math workshops for professional development in Australasia Pacific region organized by International Baccalaureate, WASC conference in Malaysia,
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