- The final program will be available 13th of July, 2018.
- Only presentations where at least one author has registered will be included in the program.
- The Symposium will see three presentation/paper types:
- Research: this category includes papers addressing theoretical, philosophical or conceptual issues concerning any Models of Engaged Teaching and Learning [MELT] (eg. RSD Framework), as well as those involving the presentation and analysis of empirical results.
- Research-in-progress: this category includes papers focusing on the early results of larger projects, reports of completed pilot projects which might lead to larger projects, and reports of progress on ongoing programs of research into some aspect of a MELT.
- Showcase: this category will include administrative and practice developments, and innovations, and experiments in areas of MELT implementation.
- Authors may provide a short paper [approximately 2,000 words] by June 30, 2018
- Presentation time:15 minutes
- Question time: 10 minutes
- Speaker switchover: 5 minutes
- Please be at your session 10 minutes before the scheduled start time
- Speakers will upload their presentations onto the computer in the morning of their presentation or email the Symposium Coordinator by the 27th of August, 2018.
Presenters will need to sign an agreement should they wish to have their presentations recorded.
For questions regarding the symposium, please contact:
Ms Shaiza Janif
Research Skills Development Coordinator
Email: janif_s@usp.ac.fj
Phone: (679) 323 2403