Empowering Pacific Communities: The Global CFaH Project’s Journey Towards Improved Health and Nutrition


Recently, the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD) conducted its inaugural pilot study in Vusuya, Nausori. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tools and gauge the survey questionnaire’s effectiveness, offering crucial feedback for enhancements before the commencement of baseline data gathering next month.

This study marks a significant step towards addressing the identified gaps within the project. It aims to acquaint all data collectors with the REDCAP tool and the survey questions, enhancing their research methodology skills before the commencement of the full-scale feasibility and baseline data collection efforts.

In a collaborative effort, PaCE-SD and The Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises and Development (FRIEND) are spearheading the Global CFaH project in Fiji, aiming to elevate health and nutrition standards across the Pacific. This partnership signifies more than a mere project; it is a stride towards a future where the emphasis is placed on community health and well-being.

From the pilot study, valuable insights were harvested from interviews with ten households, laying a robust foundation for the future activities of the GCFaH project. These preliminary outcomes are crucial in guiding the direction of the project, ensuring that the planned interventions are both impactful and viable.

Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, UK, the Global CFaH project is a four-year endeavor with the University of the South Pacific (USP), PaCE-SD, and FRIEND as its Fiji-based collaborators.

This collaboration between USP (PaCE-SD) and FRIEND in advancing the Global CFaH project highlights a united commitment to enhancing health and nutrition in the Pacific. This collaboration transcends the boundaries of a typical project, embodying a movement towards a future where the spotlight shines on the health and well-being of communities.

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