
The Bachelor of Net Centric Computing (BNC) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) programmes received full Professional Accreditation by the Australian Computer Society from 2012 to 2017. The ICT profession is governed by an agreement known as the Seoul Accord, signed in Seoul Korea. The Seoul Accord is a multi-lateral agreement among international accrediting bodies to recognise tertiary level IT qualifications. Accreditation of programmes by these bodies means that the professionals are in compliance with the standards set by the Seoul Accord.
The ACS accreditation means that a person who completes a professional level qualification is eligible to become a member of the ACS, and be granted the CT (Certified Technologist) post-nominal. They will be eligible to apply for recognition as a Certified Professional (CP) after 5 years of suitable professional ICT experience. This gives ICT professionals a similar professional status as lawyers, engineers and doctors.

For us it means that our graduates are benchmarked against ICT graduates in similar programmes from around the world to possess similar skills and knowledge. It is an extremely important external validation for our graduates of these 2 programmes. Our graduates so far have been very marketable and gained employment as soon as they graduated.

  1. Bachelor of Networks and Security (Provisional Accreditation) (ACS4, Australia);
  2. Bachelor of Software Engineering (ACS, Australia);
  3. Bachelor of Engineering – Electrical and Electronics (Engineering New Zealand);
  4. Bachelor of Engineering – Mechanical (Engineering New Zealand);

Accreditation Officer

Name: Hilda Kunau


Phone: 32 31585

Office Location: L34 Science Building. Stairs opposite N111 Lecture Theatre

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