There are two OMDT courses:
(i) OMDT1 – This course is compulsory for students enrolled in the science programmes listed below. To attempt this course science students have to login with their USP username and password.
Bachelor of Arts Major Disciplines
• Computing Science • Information Systems • Mathematics
Bachelor of Commerce Major Disciplines
• Information System
Bachelor of Science Major Disciplines
• Biology • Chemistry • Computing Science • Electrical/Electronic Engineering • Geospatial Science
• Information Systems • Mathematics • Physics
Prescribed Programmes
• Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Management) • Bachelor of Arts (Marine Management)
• Bachelor of Geospatial Science • Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)
• Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
Accredited Programmes
• Bachelor of Engineering (IPENZ), (Electrical & Electronics), (Mechanical)
• Bachelor of Net Centric Computing (ACS)
• Bachelor of Software Engineering (ACS)
(ii) OMDT2- This course is compulsory for non-science students or students enrolled in
programmes not given in the list for OMDT1. To attempt this course non-science students have to login with their USP username and password.
There is a third version of the OMDT known as OMDT3. OMDT3 is open to the general public. Anyone can login to the OMDT3 via social authentication, i.e. through their facebook or gmail account. High school students are strongly encouraged to take the OMDT3 for their own benefit.
Follow the instructions in the OMDT user manual and go to to access the OMDT.
All First year students are required to take this test before they can register in courses for Semester 1 & 2, 2025. Science students are required to take the OMDT1 and non-science students are required to take the OMDT2.
Students need to follow the instructions in the OMDT user manual and go to to access the OMDT.
Note: that there are 5 test modules and five remedial modules. If students fail any of the test module they will be required to take its appropriate remedial module before they take the retest. Each remedial module takes around 10 hours to complete. Students will know that they have completed the OMDT after viewing their OMDT certificate.
For queries regarding the OMDT, email: omdt(at)
Simplifying Expressions, Indices, Expanding Brackets, Factorization, Rearranging Equations, Solving Equations, Using Formulae, Proportionality, Linear Equations, Inequalities, Simultaneous Equations, Polynomial Multiplication, Polynomial Division, Sequences and Series, Arithmetic Sequences, Geometric Sequence, Sigma Notation, Binomial Theorem and Partial Fraction.
Recognizing Graphs, Limits of Functions, Domains and Ranges, Inverse Functions, Function Manipulation, Symmetry of Functions, Degrees & Radians, Trigonometry Definitions, Special Trigonometry Values, Trigonometry , Trigonometry Graphs , Reciprocal Trigonometry Functions, Sine Rule, Cosine Rule, General Trigonometry Solutions, Trigonometry Identities, Logarithms and Exponential.
General Differentiation, Differentiation of Powers, Differentiation of Products, Differentiation of Quotients, Chain Rule, Differentiation of Logarithms and Exponential, Differentiation of Trigonometry, Differentiation of Inverse Trig, Logarithmic differentiation, Parametric Differentiation, Implicit Differentiation.
Integration of Polynomials, Integration of Algebraic Functions, Integration of Rational Functions, Integration of Trigonometry Functions, Integration by Substitution, and Integration by Partial Fractions.
Types of Variables, Frequency Distribution and Graphical Representation, Measure of Central Tendency, Measure of Spread, Basic Probability, Combinations, Permutations, Probability Trees, Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution.
Upon completion of the OMDT, students receive a certificate based on the USP grading mark ranges. The students will be awarded with a pdf e-copy of the certificate. There are four categories of certificates based on the performance of the students:
Students also receive a transcript which shows the grades obtained for each test module or retest. The students will be awarded with a pdf e-copy of the transcript.
Moreover, badges are also awarded to students upon completion of the OMDT. The badges created in Moodle are displayed on the student’s profile.
Click “OMDT user manual” to follow the instructions and go to to access the OMDT.
For any queries or information, please email: OR
OMDT Coordinator:
Name: Akeshnil Bali
Phone: 32 31010
Office Location: Pre-fab Office 88 -L56 (Wooden Building beside the swimming pool)