Notable achievements and contributions to the field: Disciplines Computer Science and Information Systems

  1. Accreditation: The Bachelor of Networks & Security and Bachelor of Software Engineering is accredited by The Professional Association for Australia’s ICT sector (ACS).
  2. Research Grants:  IEEE – Industry Academia Engagement Workshop and TAB Committee on Standards Seed Funding Opportunities.
  3. Industry Collaborations: Through its capstone Industry Experience Project (IEP) course (CS400) in the BNS and BSE programmes, STEMP has successfully partnered with several leading industries in the ICT sector in Fiji and the region. These industries played a critical role in provision and joint supervision (with USP) of ICT projects for our BNS and BSE students, giving students invaluable project experience, development of skills relevant in the industry in the current time, knowledge of industry standard tools and techniques and professional mentorship. Some notable industries that STEMP has partnered with are:
    • Telecom Fiji Ltd
    • Datec
    • Vodafone Fiji Ltd
    • Software Factory Ltd
    • Fiji National Provident Fund
    • Fiji Sugar Corporation
    • Westpac Banking Corporation
    • ANZ Bank
    • Fiji Rugby Union
    • Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
    • Vivid Pacific
    • USP
    • Digicel Fiji Ltd
    • Tertiary Scholarship and Loans Scheme (TSLS)
    • Paradise Beverages

    The types of projects conducted through these industry collaborations have spanned in areas such as design and development of software systems solving real word cases, installation and configurations of networks and security mechanisms, dashboard design and data analytics and disaster recovery plans and systems. Many of the completed projects from students have been implemented within the organizations. One recent successful project completed by one of our 2023 IEP teams for TSLS called the Employer Connect Portal was even officially launched by Fiji’s Hon. Minister for Employment, Productivity & Industrial Relations on 15th of December 2023. Such outputs from the IEP programme are a testament to the strong and successful industry collaboration STEMP has with ICT industries in Fiji and the region.

  4. Student Success: The exceptional quality of our education and training is demonstrated by the remarkable achievements of our graduates in both academia and industry. For instance, many of our alumni have secured prestigious positions at leading universities and have been instrumental in driving innovation at top tech companies
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