Advisory 26
Campuses currently on Level 3 (Response) as per the USP COVID-19 Pandemic Management Plan,
- USP Lautoka Campus
- USP Tonga Campus
- USP Alafua Campus
- USP Tuvalu Campus
The above Campuses are in Lock Down. The following guidance applies:
- Students must stay away from Campus. Read your student email and Moodle for further updates. The University has announced that effective from 20th March 2020 the mid semester will be extended by an additional week and classes are expected to resume on Monday 6th April 2020. During the extended break, there will be no test or other forms of assessments. For further updates refer your email and USP webpage via link : Click here
- Campus Directors are to ensure essential services staff are in place, briefed on their duties and report to work as required.
- Campus Directors should limit the number of staff reporting to work to essential services only. For those staffs where it is possible to work from home, work plans should be prepared accordingly.
- Campus in lock down status will have the same arrangements put in place as preparations for an approaching cyclone (as per the DISMAC procedures). Please ensure;
o Staff should turn off all non-essential electrical appliances, move equipment away from windows and cover computers and other equipment with plastic.
o Ensure Back-up power facilities are checked and appropriately stocked, review all cooling and refrigeration requirements to minimize risks of stock and specimen losses.
o Secure all USP valuables and business critical hardware and documentation.
o Close and secure all windows and doors and where applicable cyclone shutters should be installed.
o Ensure the campus grounds and external surrounds are free of loose materials, furniture and other items that may become hazards in a storm.
o Campus Gates will be closed and be limited to essential traffic only.
o Secure all contractor work sites.
o Limit maintenance activities to essential services only (Water, Electricity, Fire, Cooling etc.)
- Campus Directors and Section Heads should send their staff lists to Human Resources Laucala, listing separately those designated as essential services staff.
Campuses currently on Level 2 (Response) as per the USP COVID-19 Pandemic Management Plan,
- USP Laucala Campus
- USP Labasa Campus
The above Campuses are requested to observe the following guidance:
- Students are requested to stay away from Campus and limit movement to essential activities only. Read your student email and Moodle for further updates. The University has announced that effective from 20th March 2020 the mid semester will be extended by an additional week and class are expected to resume on Monday 6th April 2020. During the extended break, there will be no test or other forms of assessments. For further updates refer your email and USP webpage via link : Click here
- Campus Directors are to prepare their essential services staff for possible escalation of response levels and to ensure the necessary resources and preparations are in place.
- For staff who wish to work from home, where the nature of the work allows, the following criteria applies:
o Staff returning from international travel on supervised self-isolation for fourteen (14) days;
o Staff aged 60 or above;
o Staff with pre-existing medical conditions;
o Staff who are pregnant.
o Work from home must be approved by the immediate supervisor and the responsible line SMT member and reported to HR.
Campuses Currently Level 1 (Response) as per the USP COVID 19 Pandemic Management Plan,
- USP Kiribati Campus
- USP Cook Islands Campus
- USP Niue Campus
- USP Tokelau Campus
- USP Nauru Campus
- USP Vanuatu Campus
- USP Solomon Islands Campus
- USP Republic of the Marshall Islands
- All students where possible are requested to stay home and check your student emails / Moodle for further updates. The University has announced that effective from 20th March 2020 the mid semester will be extended by an additional week and class are expected to resume on Monday 6th April 2020. During the extended break there will be no test or other forms of assessments. For further updates refer your email and USP webpage via link : Click here
- All staff in the above campuses are requested to report to work as normal as per the advisory sent out on 20th March 2020 by the Vice Chancellor & President. For further assistance, you are requested to contact your campus Directors/ Deans / HODs and see email updates sent via all staff and students email by The Vice Chancellor & President/ USP OHS / Campus Directors on a daily basis.
- Campus Directors are to prepare their essential services staff for possible escalation of response levels and to ensure the necessary resources and preparations are in place.
- For staff who wish to work from home, where the nature of the work allows, the following criteria applies:
o Staff returning from international travel on supervised self-isolation for fourteen (14) days;
o Staff aged 60 or above;
o Staff with pre-existing medical conditions;
o Staff who are pregnant.
o Work from home must be approved by the immediate supervisor and the responsible line SMT member and reported to HR.
Please refer attached USP COVID -19 Pandemic Management Plan 2020: Click here
Travel Advisories
A Total Travel Ban for USP Business travel to all International Countries is still in force for all USP staff and students, effective from Monday 16 March 2020.
Majority of the countries have issued travel bans on international travel, requesting staffs and students to adhere to those advisories.
All staffs and students are required to adhere to the following measures:
- USP Staff and students returning to their respective countries from international destinations who have been instructed by Border Health Authorities for 14 days self-isolation are required to notify your immediate supervisors and SMT at the earliest opportunity and provide necessary validation on this. Please remain home and avoid being in contact with any other person and avoid traveling unless you are visiting the medical center.
- USP Staff and students returning to their respective countries from international destinations who have been cleared by Border Health Authorities to proceed into the country as normal are required to notify your immediate supervisors and SMT at the earliest opportunity and provide necessary validation on this.
- USP Staff and students returning to their respective countries from international destinations who have been quarantined by Border Health Authorities at their national quarantine facilities are required to notify your immediate supervisors and SMT at the earliest opportunity .Do notify your supervisors ASAP, if you have been quarantined in a country outside of your country of citizenship.
Medical Attention if your sick
Regional Campuses
- Staffs / Students are requested to adhere to the respective nations Health Departments advisory , seek medical attention first and get leave to remain at home until cleared by doctors for return to work or study.
- Where possible refrain from being in contact with any person and avoid travelling in public transportation.
For Fiji Campuses
Staffs / Student staying off campus:
- All staffs / Students living off campus (Fiji only) to seek assistance from the nearest fever clinics operating centers around the country. Refer below. Other regional staffs adhere to the advisory from your local Health Department.
- Stay home, advise your supervisor and provide medical certificates to your respective HOD /HR office.
- Wear facemask, hand gloves, where possible avoid unnecessary travel and in contact with others.
Staff / Students staying on campus (Laucala Campus Only)
- All student are requested to visit USP Student Health & Wellness Centre via the Halls of Residence office during normal working hours (9am – 7.30pm, Mon –Fri) for initial assessment and symptoms check.
- After assessment, if the medical staff ascertain that further testing is required, they will follow the procedure and contact the Ministry’s contact point person, Dr. Daniel via mobile 7387741 (24/7).
- All staffs residing on campus are requested to adhere to the advisory from Ministry of Health. You may visit the nearest fever clinics operating around the country
- Advise your immediate supervisor / HOD /HR team and produce medical certificate
- Wear facemask, hand gloves, where possible avoid unnecessary travel and in contact with others.
Fever Clinic around the country (Fiji Only):
The below clinics are opened from 8:00am to 4:30pm with additional hours for Lautoka clinics which is also opened during extended hours Monday – Friday, 8am-10pm and Saturday – Sunday, 8am-4pm.
1. Valelevu Fever Clinic: Valelevu Multipurpose Court, Saqa Street
2. Lautoka Fever Clinics: Punjas Health Centre Carpark, Cakau Street and Kamikamica Health Centre Carpark, Kamikamica Park
3. Labasa Fever Clinics: Nasea Health Centre and Empower Pacific Building (next to Ro Qomate Building)
4. Savusavu Fever Clinic : Old Public Health Building (next to hospital)
5. Taveuni Fever Clinic :Taveuni Health Centre (Outside GOPD)
6. Nabouwalu Fever Clinic : Dedicated tent outside Nabouwalu Hospital
If you are felling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID – 19 (Fiji Only)
Please contact Ministry of health official’s on any of the following numbers:
- Central Division : 2219905
- Eastern Division L 2219906
- Western Division : 2219907
- Northern Division :2219908
COVID-19 Prevention
All Staff and students are instructed NOT TO SHAKE HANDS, but use alternative NON CONTACT physical forms of salutations and greetings
- All persons on campus are required to wash hands as frequently as possible and minimize physical contact with other persons as much as possible.
- All staff and students are required to ensure cleaning of their work surfaces as frequently as possible.
- All cleaners are required to clean surfaces in public areas and toilets under their responsibility as frequently as possible.
- All Staff and Students where possible are encouraged to bring own personal handwashing soaps, handkerchiefs, Sanitizers.
- Any persons with fever or cough are required to seek medical attention and treatment. Stay home as per medical certification and advice your HOD / HR office.
- All doors in high pedestrian entry points are to be kept open to minimize their frequent opening and closing.
- All meetings of more than 5 persons are to be reverted by using Zoom and Online platforms with immediate effect.
- Practice social distancing 2 meters at all times.
Provision of Campus Sanitation and Personal Protective Equipment’s
- All staffs and students given the low availability of these items from suppliers are required to bring these personal items for your individual use, where you can.
- Where the above items have been purchased by the campus you are to contact the following regarding their supply to your workplaces.
For Laucala Campus
Please contact the below staffs from commercials to secure the suppliers for your department.
- Eric Monua –,
- Ratu Peni Nakanacagi –
- Rajeshree Sundarial –
For Regional Campuses
- Campus Directors
Please refer attached emergency contact for respective campuses.
General Safety and Security
All staffs & students are required to do the following as a precaution given the high possibility of campuses being on Lock down at short notice.
- Take home all personal valuables and personal work equipment
- Secure doors and windows and the end of each working day.
- Remove and switch off electrical equipment’s including computers, printers, hot water urns, air-cons etc.
Students Liaison Officers at Laucala Campus
For regional and international students, you may contact the following USP staff if you wish to raise any concerns or seek advice
Regional Students under DFAT Scholarship
SAS Scholarship Officer – Regional Governments
International Students
Fake News and Fearmongering
- All USP Staff and students are requested to refrain from posting or dissemination information that are false and volatile given the global COVID-19 pandemic.
- Such situations if found can result in the staff or student liable not only for university disciplinary action but be subject to criminal investigation and arrest.
Regional Country COVID-19 Updates
- Emergency Contacts All Campuses – see attachment
- Latest Travel advisory Tonga – see attachment
- Samoa State of Emergency Announcement – see attachment
All staff and students are requested to only take on board information from reliable sources such as mainstream national and international media sources, as well as health sources as the ministry of health and World Health Organization.
All Staff and Students are encouraged to read the USP COVID-19 Pandemic Management Plan.
The Vice Chancellor and President shall also be making regular advisory and updates, please read them.
For more information refer to the USP COVID-19 portal: Click here
Message from USP OHS