USP Human Resources

Welcome to The University of the South Pacific Human Resources

Human Resources

Effective immediately, all HR queries shall be directed to the respective Business Partners.
HR Submission Timelines 
All HR Documents must be submitted within the timelines provided
Your HR Staff Meet your Human Resources Staff. They are here to help you out. See who they are and how to contact them!

For HR Assistance: hrhelp(at)


HR HelpDesk
All queries can now be lodged through the New HR HelpDesk.

Guide to lodge request via the HR HelpDesk

To Lodge A Request: Click Here

Medical Insurance
The Medical Insurance Scheme has been developed by AON (Fiji) Limited in consultation with USP and negotiated with FijiCare.
Employment Opportunities
Thinking of changing your role in the University? Look through our Positions Vacant list!
HR Forms
Quick access to all the HR forms you need!
University Calendar
View the University Calendar. All University Events are listed here for your convenience!
 Job Evaluation 

Job Evaluation is an important activity that happens each year.

Job Evaluation Request Form

Training & Development
View this page for details on training & development! Staff Development Calendar
ID Cards
Now that you are a staff member, you need an ID Card. All you need to know about your ID Card is here!
Performance Management
Learn about the Performance Management System (staff review process) here!
Health and Safety
Details about USP’s Health and Safety Regulations can be found here.
Home Safety and Security
How can you protect yourself? What should you do in cases of emergencies? Find out here!
Salary Scales
Curious about what the salary scales hold? Find all the past and present salary scales here!

USP Chat Service
Lets start: