Welcome to Student Learning Support (SLS)
Student Learning Support (SLS) endeavours to provide a comprehensive range of services to help USP students take control of their learning. There are SLS staff members located in 10 of USP’s campuses across the region (Kiribati, Labasa, Laucala, Lautoka, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu).
Student Learning Specialists
- Research, plan, design and deliver generic and discipline specific macro skill awareness through academic skills workshops.
- Recruit, train, monitor and evaluate Peer leaders through innovative approaches, digital learning tools and resources to facilitate collaborative peer learning opportunities both virtually and face to face for USP learners.
- Engage in one to one consultation (Drop In) with USP students so as to deliver support specific to learners’ needs with respect to learning strategies, Academic, Study, ICT and Numeracy skills.
- Design strategies for English language support for individual learners and accreditation requirements.
- Identify measures of learning support and track at-risk students (as per given criteria) to reduce attrition rates.
- Provide professional development support to incoming and ongoing Academic staff into USP through Effective Teaching Workshops.
- Engage in research on student support initiatives and success strategies, publish papers and present in conferences.
- Collaborate cross-sections such as Disability Resource Centre (DRC) to tailor-make support that promotes inclusivity and accessibility for a broad range of individual learners with diverse cultural backgrounds, learning abilities, disabilities and ICT skills.
- Create e-repository of learning resources for asynchronous learners.
- Provide tailor-made orientation workshops for specific regional groups when requested by sponsors, e.g. Preparation for Higher Education Workshop (PHEW!).