About Us
Our Vision
The University is committed to being the foremost research university in the Pacific Island Region and meeting the needs and aspirations of Pacific Island communities.
Our Mission
The University’s research mission is to conduct theoretical, applied and comparative research to assist Pacific Island peoples meet their needs and aspirations and, at the same time, achieve international recognition in those areas that reflect the University’s unique geographical location and multicultural contexts.
Research and Leadership
Under the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), the Research Office is a unit within the University dedicated to meeting the need for coordination of research effort, and support for research-active staff and students.
The University is committed to winning national and international recognition as the primary research institution in the Pacific Islands region, undertaking research that recognizes the uniqueness of Pacific Island environments and society and which will assist the social, cultural and economic advancement of the countries and peoples of this region.
The Research Culture at the university is focused on these key areas while at the same time is moving towards broader research priorities. The University is committed to achieving excellence in research.
The research portfolio at the University is the responsibility of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation. This role is supported by the Director of Research whose responsibilities include:
- Developing, managing and monitoring the operationalisation of the University’s Research Clusters;
- Supporting the University Research Committee;
- Assisting with research plans within the University;
- Developing networks for research opportunities and funding;
- Managing staff research training and graduate research scholarships;
- Overseeing postgraduate research student supervision;
- Ensuring staff and students maintain high ethical research practices;
- Promoting the University as a destination for research-active academics on sabbatical leave;
- Recognising and rewarding outstanding research performances;
- Protecting the University’s policy on intellectual property rights and copyrights;
- Promoting, monitoring, and disseminating research outputs;
- Developing policies, selecting priority projects, and monitoring performance within current areas of research.
- Considering the research being carried out by other CROP agencies to ensure coordination and clearer regional strategies; and
- Monitoring and implementing the University’s Research Strategy.
The University Research Committee (URC) is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation. The University Research Committee is made up of senior academic staff and support services representatives including representation by USP Student Association.
Academic Units and Department
Research management at the Academic Unit level is co-ordinated by the Deputy Head of School Research & Postgraduate Affairs. The primary focus of this role is to provide leadership in research planning, target-setting, research development and performance review. Discipline coordinators also provide crucial leadership in research and research training, supported by Campus directors, senior staff and postgraduate co-ordinators.
Academic Unit Research Committees are chaired by the Deputy Head of School Research & Postgraduate Affairs.
Research Governance
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Innovation oversees the implementation of research policies, strategic planning, and research funding.
The Research Office
The key responsibility of the Research Office is to enhance the capacity of University staff and students to conduct quality research that meets the needs and aspirations of the University Member Countries, and other stakeholders. The Research Office supports researchers at the University by promoting a research culture amongst staff and students that encourages regional and international excellence in the priority areas while at the same time moving towards broader research priorities.
The Research Office is also charged with supporting the implementation, ongoing monitoring, and review of the University’s Research Strategy.
The Research Office, under the leadership of the Director of Research, strives to provide high level administrative and strategic research support services, which ensures that the University continues to conduct world-class research for the Pacific Island region.