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The University Research Office in collaboration with the Faculties will run a series of Postgraduate Research [PGR] Workshops throughout the year.
These PGR Workshops will provide a generic training that ensures that all research postgraduates acquire the research skills and competencies necessary to complete their research theses.
Along with the aim of training in a range of research skills, the programme will place a strong emphasis on networking – encouraging students to develop links with each other and with members of staff other than their own supervisors. Exchanging ideas about research experience is an invaluable method of gaining knowledge, and the Postgraduate Research Workshops will provide a unique multi-disciplinary environment that fosters these exchanges.
The Research Office will send out calls for Expressions of Interest two weeks or more before the PRG Workshops. Interested Postgraduate Research Students are required to fill in the EOI form before the deadline indicated for each of the workshops.