The University of the South Pacific offers (USP) a number of courses which includes 22 skill based courses, 70 degree programmes and 81 post graduate programmes. Students have the opportunity to choose from a vast range of study levels starting at the certificate level going right up to PhD programmes. USP provides opportunities for students to realise their dreams by awarding scholarships and Financial Assistance to finance their studies. Students also have the opportunity to travel abroad to our partnering countries through the USP Exchange and Mobility Programmes facilitated by the International Office.
Research opportunities are also available for students as the University is committed to achieving excellence in research. Students will have the opportunity to work with the best researchers in the Pacific while taking advantage of the many grants which are available.
USP is committed to winning national and international recognition as the primary research institution in the Pacific Islands region, undertaking research that recognises the uniqueness of Pacific Island environments and society and which will assist the social, cultural and economic advancement of the countries and peoples of this region.
The Research Culture at the university is focused on these key areas while at the same time is moving towards broader research priorities.
School of Accounting, Finance and Economics (SAFE)
School of Business and Management (SBM)
School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics (STEMP)
School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS)
School of Law and Social Sciences (SoLaSS)
School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE)