School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics


Message from the School

Welcome to the School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics (STEMP) at The University of the South Pacific. I am Prof. Bibhya Sharma, and it is my honor and great privilege to serve as the Captain of STEMP. My work is to steer our big ship in the right direction – a direction with brings to us useful and precious attributes, knowledge and skills not only for now but also for the future years. We passionately call STEMP – the school of initiatives and innovations!

As you consider joining us in 2025, I want to assure you that STEMP is dedicated to fostering a conducive and enabling environment of innovation, excellence, inclusivity, equality and collaboration. Our programmes are designed to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills that are essential for success in today’s rapidly evolving world.

Our school comprises of passionate educators and leading experts in their fields, committed to guiding you through your intense yet enjoyable academic journey. At STEMP, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, interdisciplinary projects, student exchange opportunities to high-ranked universities, industrial mentoring and placements, accredited programmes, and opportunities to engage in groundbreaking research. We are super excited to support you in achieving your academic and professional aspirations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant STEMP community in 2025 and working together to make a meaningful impact on our countries, the Pacific region and the world.


Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering focuses on the management, construction, design and maintenance of infrastructures. The programme also focuses on modern construction problems and solution.


Computer Science and Information Systems

Computing science (CS) spans the range from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions. Computer science offers a foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Discipline of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EE) offers Science and Engineering programme in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Its a four year Professional Bachelor of Engineering (BENGEE) programme (accredited).

Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics is considered to be the foundation of all science. It is the language used by engineering, applied science, life science, social science, and business.


Mechanical Engineering

The Discipline of Mechanical Engineering (MM) offers Science and Engineering programme in Mechanical Engineering. Its a four year Professional Bachelor of Engineering (BENGMM) programme (accredited).


Discipline of Physics takes you to the natural sciences from sub-atomic particles to the universe. Physics at USP is offered as a single or double major at Undergraduate and at Post graduate level including MSc and PhD.

Head of School (HoS)/Deputy Head of School (DHoS)

Prof. Bibhya Sharma

Professor – Hos

Head of School
Head of the School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics
The University of the South Pacific,
Private Mail Bag, Suva, Republic of Fiji

: (679) 323 32069

Prof M. Rafiuddin Ahmed

Professor – DHoS

DHoS (Research, Innovation & Postgraduate Affairs)
The University of the South Pacific,
Private Mail Bag, Suva, Republic of Fiji

: (679) 323 2042

Prof. M G M Khan

Professor – DHoS

DHoS (Learning, Teaching and Quality)
Deputy Head of the School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics
The University of the South Pacific,
Private Mail Bag, Suva, Republic of Fiji
Tel:(679) 323 32507

Contact Us

Deepika Lal Chandra

Executive Officer

School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics
The University of the South Pacific,
Private Mail Bag, Suva, Republic of Fiji

: (679) 323 2223

Iona Ravai


School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics
The University of the South Pacific,
Private Mail Bag, Suva, Republic of Fiji

: (679) 323 2063

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