Home / Alumni Student STEMP Testimonials
From a young age I was always curious on how technologies works. Therefore, to broaden my understanding on its working principle I choose to pursue Mechanical Engineering as it deals with designing, manufacturing and fabricating these technologies. I choose to study Mechanical Engineering at USP because I have heard and seen on media in the past years that the Engineering department have been involved in international competitions such as ROBCON and the programme was also accredited. Since it is accredited I will be able to have access to all resources available at USP and guidance from engineering lecturers to be able to complete my studies. For me I liked USP for its multicultural celebration and activities carried out in campus where I get to experience and watch cultural dances from other islanders attending USP. Meeting new people and making new friends not only in my field of studies but other programmes where we socialize just randomly playing touch rugby or soccer at the USP grounds was some of my best memories in USP. Daylight with group members and fellow engineering colleagues at the engineering block and labs completing projects and lab report and getting ready for short tests was also the best memories while studying in USP.
Apisalome Nabaro
Why did you choose to study this programme?
I find my programme very interesting and something that utterly grabs my attention and interest and also because it has more chances of employability.
Why did you choose to study this at USP?
I chose USP because of its international accreditation and high-quality education, which includes both theoretical and practical examinations that would benefit me in the future.
What do you like about USP? Your best memory of studying at USP?
USP has always intrigued my interest, particularly its campus life, which exposes students to other cultures and backgrounds. Its library has more advanced technology for us students to use, as well as a dynamic environment in which my friends and I spend most of our time.
What are some words of encouragement which you can provide to prospective students who will to study your programme at USP?
It won't be easy; a lot of devotion and a well-concentrated mentality is required, BUT always have faith in yourself and yes, pray a lot because God is great.Bhawish Vijay Mishra
Bachelor of Science Majoring Mathematics and Physics
Being a huge fan of women’s empowerment, I’ve always been inspired to shatter glass ceilings and stake my claim a in a male-dominated field. Given my interest in numbers, mathematical calculations, and curiosity in the beauty of electricity and its workings, Electrical & Electronics Engineering was an ideal choice to study at USP – an institution that offers a variety of quality resources/courses, with program accreditation by the Institute of Professional Engineers, New Zealand (IPENZ).
From the scenic landscape and impressive learning environment to the amazing academic and social facilities available – USP Rocks! I’ve found meeting new people and fostering special friendships truly memorable.
To those aspiring to pursue this program, stay focused and work hard. Despite the challenges, and sacrifices, DO NOT GIVE UP. Remain passionate, enforce good time management, and be disciplined and wise in your choice of company and activities outside of study.
The bible verse in Jeremiah 29:11 continues to be my motivation and guide.Julie Maramaniruve Senicevuga Tamani
3rd Year Electrical & Electronics Engineering Student
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”
Noa’ia, Bula re and Greetings! I am a third year Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (BENGME) student. Why did I choose to study this programme? This question just made me nostalgic. My tutor back in my first year asked my colleagues and me this very same question. My reply was that I like maths and physics, I still do. However, that is a partial truth to the actual answer. I wanted to become engineer because I wanted to be able to give back to the community using the skills that I will have acquired upon completion of my Undergrad Program. I aspired to join the United Nations. I wanted to use my engineering skills to help in voluntary works globally. Why the University of the South Pacific (USP)? Honestly, USP seemed to be the only option that my mother asked me when I had informed her that I was opting for engineering. Best decision of my life. What do I like about USP? Everything. I’m not just talking facilities and the best of the best lecturers and staff. I’m talking about people of variety of exotic ethnicities that are in tune with each other and living in harmony and having fun. People of several generational gap yet they converse and get along so well like besties that have known each other since diapers. The approachable and down-to-earth staff, always nearby to help in any way. My favourite would be the little haven designated to student engineers and teaching staff, famously known as the ‘Engineering Block’ or E-Block for short. My favourite memory at USP is spending nights in our Design Lab or at the E-Block due to pending assignments/projects or study groups for short tests and finals. I just love the close bond the student engineers have with the engineering teaching team and staff, who are always constantly giving out advices and tips regarding our wellbeing and academic progress. For the upcoming generation of engineers that wish to study at the University of the South Pacific (STEMP), when the going gets tough and it will, just persevere and move forward. A word of advice is for you to be absolutely 100% sure to commit and pursue this career path, as I have personally seen and known people that have switched programme in the first to second year. Also, learn to have fun every now and then, make many friends especially within your programme and diversify your circle of friends. With dedication, commitment, prayer and teamwork from your fellow peers, you will succeed in all that you do.
Thank you, Vinaka Vakalevu and God Bless!Marisilina Augustina M Pesamino
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (BENGME)
After completing Foundation Science at USP, I had to make a career centred decision by choosing between MBBS (medicine) and Engineering. I had passion to learn both medical technology and physics, hence I needed a field that would allow me to have a foot in both worlds. I chose Mechanical Engineering, as it is one of the most versatile fields of application engineering. USP is one of the leading educational institutes in the region and offers engineering programs that is internationally accredited by the Washington Accord, therefore choosing to pursue my degree at USP was an easy decision. One of the best things about studying at USP is the connections you make with your teachers and colleagues. There is an excellent learning atmosphere that both inspires and guides students to develop necessary skills and knowledge to become competent engineers. My advice to prospective students would be, “You only know, what you know”, therefore its always best to expand your “what you know” knowledge by asking questions and doing your research, before making any decisions.
Prashant Vishal Chand
Bachelor of Engineering – Mechanical Engineering
Why did you choose to study this program?
In a digital world, I choose to study Bachelor of Software Engineering to find my future better as an engineer has a lot of scopes to earn well during his/her tenure. Software engineering is the study of how software systems are built, including topics such as project management, software testing, and quality assurance, hence I wish to be part of the digital world and to be a good digital citizen.
Why did you choose to study this at USP?
I choose USP due to the relevance of courses and programmes which I could not find appropriately in other universities. Additionally, USP encourages self-development, open-mindedness and cultural inclusivity through various activities such as student support workshops, volunteer events, seminars and many more.
What do you like about USP? Your best memory of studying at USP?
I like how the USP is concerned about their students. As an example, USP providing offline print packs (OPP) to students in this difficult time of COVID-19 ensuring that students are not left behind. The memory of making friends as the newbie to USP in the first year is still one of the best memory.
What are some words of encouragement which you can provide to prospective students who will study your programme at USP? The future appears to be more focused on technology, and a software engineering programme can assist you in better understanding technology and the digital world. The Bachelor of software engineering program is also one of the accredited programs that is offered at USP.Harshad Shiva Chand.
Bachelor of Software Engineering
PASS Leader.
Student Learning Support.
School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
Why did you choose to study this programme?
I have great passion for electronics and engineering from a young age. From opening up RC cars and playing with the motors, to watching project videos on YouTube to replicate them, I realized my passion for electronics. There was this particular quote by Adam Savage in a video which really captivated me: “The coolest toys don't have to be bought; they can be built. In fact, sometimes the only way they'll ever exist is if you make them yourself”. To achieve a better understanding and to develop my skills further, it was evident that I needed to purse my further education in the field of engineering.
Why did you choose to study this at USP?
Having visited USP on the Open Day in 2018, I was intrigued by the amazing engineering projects that were put up on display. Sparking a conversation with the USP students behind the projects, I was briefly informed on the various concepts that they had been taught which helped them come up with the designs. Based on how the USP students responded, it was clear that USP was indeed, one of the best teaching institutions in the country, and that it had to be the university of my choice if I wanted to learn from the best .
What do you like about USP? Your best memory of studying at USP?
USP provides an amazing study environment with great facilities; my personal favorite was the Library Learning Commons, where most of my friends would gather for revision and completion of assignments. The student support is what I found most exceptional at USP; the CLFYE Buddy Program, SLS PASS Program and other programs have been employed that help students adjust to university life, as well as provide the necessary guidance.
What are some words of encouragement which you can provide to prospective students who will to study your programme at USP?
I have found Electrical and Electronics Engineering to be one of the most interesting courses at USP; the lecturers and tutors teach with passion and we get to create amazing projects, including robots! . Not only that, but if you have ever wondered in a mathematics class “Where would I need to use Pythagoras Theorem or the Trigonometric Rules in real life? ”, you will find the answer to that question when you take up engineering!Arshaque Abraar Ali
3rd year student in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
USP is proof that we, as Pacific people, are able to be up there amongst the best and still humble by the appreciation of our culture and traditional ways.
Patelisio Fe’ao
Mathematics and Education
Mathematics Teacher
St Joseph’s Community College Ha’apai (Ako Katolika), Tonga
The University of the South Pacific has been a great contributor to the development of my career, and personality. I have established domain expertise, leadership, time management, and comradery throughout my experience at USP. The infrastructure of USP is one of the finest in the region as this is a quality that stands out the most. The best thing about this University is the cross-culture interaction between students from various parts of the Pacific. The professors here make the university what it is today with their contemporary delivery methods and helpful nature. For anyone looking into a dynamic scale of growth for their future, I would like to say, choose USP.
Vigneshwaran Nair
Bachelor of Science majors in Computing Science and Information system
Head of Product Development and Management
Telecom Fiji Limited, Fiji
After USP, my career path changed from Teaching (Physics/Mathematics) to being a software developer and eventually starting my own software provider company. USP gave me a complete experience; quality education, fun-filled campus life and lifelong friends. Why wouldn’t you choose USP?
Peni Finekaso
Master of Science
CEO – Infinity PlusOne Pte Ltd (IP1)
USP had prepared me for my professional career in terms of the technical expertise that I had acquired through my study programme. At the same time, the university had prepared me to manage expectations, to be an agent of change, to thrive in a male-dominated field and to live by example. Most importantly USP has given me the opportunity to build friendships and networks that are still very much part of my life to this day.
My personal goal is to have a balanced personal and professional life and ensuring my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. As a career woman, wife and mother, I always have to juggle priorities, choices and manage expectations, so striving to have a balanced life is ideal for me.
Arieta Rakai
Bachelor of Science
Programme Officer – Lead, SIDS Lighthouses Initiative
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
During my time at USP, there were 2-3 outstanding and EXCELLENT lecturers and professors. I would say that it was just their vision and mentoring that prepared me to work in Europe, Japan, China and Malaysia across 4 Fortune Global 500 companies.
Dr Aneesh Chand
Bachelor of Science, Postgraduate Diploma, and Master of Science
Manager, Robotics
Being away from the vicinity of USP campuses, I still got an opportunity to fulfil my dream and pursue my further studies through cohort and zoom lectures.
USP never compromises quality and standard.
USP enriched my learning and buttressed my passion, built me with knowledge and I began with the future I had been dreaming of. In life don’t just dream big – look for ways to achieve them in reality.
Samlesh Vimal Chand
Post Graduate Diploma in Science – Mathematics
Secondary School Mathematics and Physics Teacher
Ba Sangam College, Fiji
The things I enjoyed most about STEMP were basically the facilities that urge the students to learn more and display up to the expectation. Adding on to that was the eagerness of Lectures to teach and answer questions raised by students, either during lectures or during spare times. Most importantly, the presentations were organized in such manner that it allows the students to present their ideas and projects and enjoy the knowledge sharing session at the same time.
Nitin Nicklesh Bali
Bachelor in Engineering (Electrical and Electronics)
Substation Engineer Projects
Energy Fiji Limited
USP was definitely a stepping stone that helped paved the way for my career. USP provided the platform for excellence that empowered me to be a critical-thinker, innovative and grow beyond the boundaries.
Krishneel Chaudhary
Computer Science and Engineering
AI Research Scientist
Sony Group Cooperation
Never forget your roots! Being one of the only Fijian scholars currently here @NTU Singapore, I am always sporting my USP pride, whether it is bragging about the unique campus experiences or advocating for the professional qualifications that are recognised and respected worldwide. Investing in higher education at USP is indeed an invaluable commitment!
Kavitesh Bali
Computer Science and Information system (at USP)
PhD, Computer Science.
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
USP's learning system moulds students to be dynamic and adaptive which assists them to adjust to any Organizations work culture swiftly. The vast knowledge and the exposure you will gain from here will help you grow, both as a person and academically. My journey in USP has been remarkable and is surely one of the biggest steppingstones of my life.
Haaziq Buksh
Bachelors in Net Centric Computing
Digital Services Specialist
Vodafone Fiji PTE Ltd
With the state-of-the-art learning facilities and outstanding academic staff, my journey at USP had been great and aspiring. Studying at USP had equipped me with the right skillsets enabling me to get a job straight after I had graduated. USP is quite flexible; allowed me to study further and complete my master’s degree while working fulltime.
Ashnil Sharma
Computer Science and Information System
Pacific Community (SPC)
Application Support Specialist