School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education

The School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE) cultivates and celebrates the creative arts and knowledge systems of the South Pacific through its Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies; nurtures communication and critical skills through its literature, language, linguistics and journalism programmes; and trains regional teachers by offering a wide variety of courses in professional education. It also houses the Institute of Education which is committed to developing sound context-determined policies on education with respect to the region. All our programmes are internationally recognized and two are externally accredited: Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care) by ACECQA, Australia, and Postgraduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching by SEDA, United Kingdom.
The Discipline of Education is the leading pre-service and in-service teacher education institution of excellence within the Pacific region. It upholds quality learning and teaching, and provides quality educational services as well as professional development programmes and postgraduate studies. Specialisms are available in Early Childhood Education & Care, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Tertiary Teaching & eLearning, and Special & Inclusive Education, Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET).
The Institute of Education (IoE) was established to serve the educational needs of the twelve member states of the University through its developmental role in education, provision of in-service training programmes, research, advisory services, and consultancies. IoE now has several decades of experience in providing educational services to the region, developing close links with Ministries/ Departments of Education, teacher training institutions, other education service organisations, and regional and international organisations.
USP Journalism offers practical preparation for the demands of the industry. All teaching and assessment centres around our media assets including our newspaper Wansolwara, Radio Pasifik 89.4 FM and Wansolwara online. You can take a single or double major in Journalism, while the Diploma in Pacific Journalism is a first step to a degree for experienced professionals. We also offer the interdisciplinary BA in Communication and Media.
Linguistics is the scientific study of languages, and is the foundation for language documentation, language teaching, and language technology. You can study a major in Linguistics or a major in Literature and Language, and there are postgraduate programmes for both linguists and language teachers. We also offer Chinese, Cook Islands Māori, Fijian, French, Hindi, Rotuman, Tongan & Niuafo’ou, Vagahau Niue, and Vanuatu Language Studies, as well as the core course UU114 English Language Skills for Tertiary Studies.
Joining a Literature programme, you will read and analyse texts from all over the world, and every course includes a substantial number of texts from the Oceania region. You can study Literature as a single or double major, you can combine it with Linguistics as a Literature and Language major, or you can study it in the teaching subject component of an Education degree. Our postgraduate programme offers opportunities for further studies.
The Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies (OCACPS or Oceania Centre) is a centre for creative excellence and innovation, offering an exciting range of academic and art programmes. Activities at the Oceania Centre fall under the three main priority areas: Pacific Island Studies, Safeguarding Heritage and Contemporary Pacific Arts.
(Acting) Head of School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE)
Deputy Head of School
(Learning, Teaching and Quality)
Tel: +679 9142242
Administrative Assistant
Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Affairs
Administrative Assistant
Tel: +679 3232444
Administrative Assistant
Journalism, Linguistics & Languages, and Literature
Tel: +679 3232214
Administrative Assistant
Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies
Tel: +679 3232832