Samoa Campus Advisory
Following the announcement today by the Samoan Government, please be advised that the National Lockdown will end at 6pm this evening.
Staff are advised to
- Report to work from Monday 31 January 2022
- Currently running classes must be online or suspended
- Masks must be worn at ALL times on Campus and entry will be denied to those not wearing masks
- Vaccination cards must be carried at ALL times. Entry to Campus will require you to carry and show your vaccination card at the Security Gate
- Observe social distancing at all times
- Wash hands well and regularly
- Email/Virtual and telephone communication will be the primary mode of communication
USP DISMAC guided by your Campus Director will issue regular updates via email, in the coming days on the evolving situation.
Keep safe and do your part in preventing the further spread of COVID-19 in your communities and families.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor Pal Ahluwalia