Staff who are unable to return to Fiji Campuses
Dear Staff members in Fiji Campuses,
Some of you may be rostered to commence work physically at 70% capacity from Monday 4 October, 2021. We look forward to welcoming you back on campus!
We are aware that there are staff who have not been able to work from home due to the nature of work. The University, in good faith, has continued to ensure that all our staff (regardless of whether they are able to work from home or not) are fully paid during this pandemic. However, this practice is being revisited in light of our ability to return to campus. This is the ideal time for those staff who were unable to work from home, to liaise with their supervisors/managers and be scheduled to return to campus.
From 4 October, 2021, for those staff who cannot return to campus (and where work from home is not practical), they will be required to take annual leave. If annual leave is exhausted, these staff will be required to then take leave without pay. We trust that you understand the University’s position in looking out for the wellbeing of all our staff during this pandemic.
We value your safety and look forward to your continued cooperation with our gradual return to campus.
Take care and keep safe.
J Maritino Nemani,
Executive Director People & Workforce Strategy
Human Resources