Registration is now open for the 2021 Pacific History Association Biennial conference! This exciting four-day event will be hosted online by the University of the South Pacific from Wednesday 17th to Saturday 20th November 2021. The theme of the conference, “In their Own Words”, pays tribute to the work of the late i-Kiribati historian, Kambati Uriam.
Please click here to register before 12 November: Conference registration fees are as follows:
Full registration (waged) NZ$40
Student registration (unwaged) NZ$10
From 1 November: Late registration (waged) NZ$60
From 1 November: Late Student registration (unwaged) NZ$30
In addition to the conference, the registration fee also includes a two-year membership of the Pacific History Association. Your financial support assists the PHA to support Pacific scholarship by subsidising future conferences and offering awards such as the Teresia Teaiwa Prize.
Click here to view a draft programme: Sessions will not be recorded so don’t miss out on our keynote speakers, Dr Tarisi Vunidilo, Rev Dr. Latu Latai and Myjolynne Kim, as well as many other leading experts from the region.
All are welcome.
Please contact if you have any queries or visit