USP hosts its 4th Entrepreneurial Fair


The 2021 USP Entrepreneurial Fair with the theme “Change Your World: Become an Entrepreneur”, since day one (March 8-12), has brought together amazing group of influencers and successful entrepreneurs; business community, corporate organisations as well as representatives from non-profit organisations (NGOs) and government to share their success stories and give advice and insights into what it takes to launch, fund, sustain and grow a business.

The USP Entrepreneurial Fair, offers opportunities for networking, business coaching and entrepreneurial skills development sessions, motivational speeches from successful entrepreneurs, funding options and various small or medium business development topics.

(from left) USP’s Group Manager, Campus Life, Mr Glenn Pope, Acting Chief Executive of the Fiji Development Bank, Mr Saiyad Hussain, USP’s Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, Professor Jito Vanualailai and Acting Vice-Chancellor, Dr Guilio Paunga after the launch of the USP 4th Entrepreneurial Fair on Monday, March 8.

Commenting on the upcoming Fair, USP Acting Vice-Chancellor and President, Dr Guilio Paunga said the University is proud to host this annual event which seeks to foster youth entrepreneurship and bring together brilliant individuals who have made outstanding contributions in business and in society.

“Entrepreneurship allows youths to be innovative and provides them the necessary skills that will help them become successful.  USP offers many programmes and courses that provides its students such skills and knowledge. These skills will help them become successful employers, leaders and eventually contributors to their nations’ economies, USP is glad to provide our youths with lifelong skills that they can carry into the future” he said

Dr Paunga added that the USP Entrepreneurial Fair has the capacity to grow to become an even bigger event for the University that would provide more prospects to support aspiring entrepreneurs.

“The event complements USP’s effort to provide for the needs of the Pacific region by providing education and trainings opportunities at all levels that will promote economic advancements for communities.

Speaking during the launch of the event, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jito Vanualailai said entrepreneurial training and the establishments of small micro enterprises has always been a major focus of the University and is captured in the USP Strategic Plan 2013 -2018.

“I know that the Fiji government fully supports our program that of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development and USP is happy that we’re conducting this training in line with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism’s Young Entrepreneurship Scheme where young people are able to access funding to start their small business initiatives,” he said.

Manager for the USP Career and Entrepreneurial Centre, Mr Semi Bilitaki said USP provides the ideal environment for young people in the Pacific to become entrepreneurs.

“Through the years we have seen a growing interest for our entrepreneurial workshops during the Fair. Why not, the USP Fair is like no other in the Pacific that facilitates such training.  You can launch your product and realise your dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur,” Mr Bilitaki added.

Mr Jon Apted, Partner, Munro Leys speaking to participants on topics relating to “Protecting your Idea, “Product and Service” “Copyrights and Intellectual Property” and “Patents”.

Group Manager Campus Life, Mr Glenn Pope said the yearly week-long USP Entrepreneurial Fair has been successful since its conception and launch four years ago because it offers the public, including USP students, an opportunity to upskill in the area of entrepreneurship and encourage establishment of small, medium and large businesses.

“The USP Entrepreneurial Fair is held in close partnership with the Fiji Government and its relevant departments and The Young Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES),” said Mr Pope.

“Becoming an Entrepreneur should be seen as another career option and I hope to see a lot of public engagement, with people taking the opportunity to engage with the Fair, especially in these times rising unemployment with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year we had a group of people from Nadi take leave from their work and another group from Savusavu participate in the Fair. I encourage everyone to attend and make the most of this opportunity,” said Mr Pope.

The Entrepreneurial Fair will feature speakers including Dr Mere Samisoni, founder of Hot Bread Kitchen; Mr Wah Sing Yee, Owner of Marco Polo Investment; Mr John Sanday from Kava Korporesen; Mr Michael Towler, Managing Director of Performance Flotation Developments (Fiji) Pte Limited; Mr Watisoni Nata from the Young Entrepreneurial Council; Mr Jon Apted, Partner, Munro Leys and Ms Api Kurusiga, Director Lapita Fiji in its programme throughout the week.

You can download the event Attendify App “USP Entrepreneurial Fair 2021” for updates on programmes and activities offered during the week.