School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education
Bachelor of Arts
A Double Major in Journalism
Courses for a Double Major [Journalism]: UU100, UU114, JN101, JN103; plus JN201, JN202, JN203; plus UU200, UU204, JN301, JN302, JN303.
Courses for a Double Major [Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET)]: Technology - UU100, UU114, TE151, TE156, TE155, UU200, UU204, TE251, TE256, TE351 and TE356.
Food and Nutrition Studies - UU100, UU114, TE113 and TS109; plus UU200, UU204, TE213, TS209 and GE202; plus TE313 and TS311.