School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
Bachelor of Science
A Double Major in Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Courses for a Double Major [Electrical/Electronic Engineering]: Offered with Computing Science major:
MA111, UU114, EE102, MM101, MM103, UU200, UU204, plus three of EE211; EE212; EE222; EE224; EE225, SC356 plus three of EE301; EE312; EE313; EE314; EE321; EE323; EE325; EE326 and an Industrial Attachment of 10 weeks during summer vacation is compulsory.
Courses for a Double Major [Computing Science]: MA111, MA161, CS111, CS112, UU114, CS211, CS214, plus (IS222 or CS215 or CS218 or CS230); plus UU200, UU204, SC356, CS311; plus CS310 or CS341; plus CS317 or CS324.