School of Law and Social Science
Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Laws (combined degrees)
A Single Major in Sociology
Courses for the Bachelor of Laws:
Core: LW110, LW111, LW112, LW113, LW201, LW202, LW203, LW204, LW205, LW206, LW300, LW301, LW304, LW306, LW308, LW309.
Elective: Eight other 300 level LW courses.
Courses for a Single Major [Social Work]: UU100, UU114, SO100, SO122, PS103 (or equivalent),
UU200, UU204, SO200, SO201; plus at least one 200
level Sociology course selected from SO207 and SO212;
SO300 and SO303; plus two 300 level Sociology courses
selected from SO301, SO304 and SO311.
Courses for a Minor [Education]: At least two 100 level and two 200 level Education courses