FAQ - International Office
• What is the USP student population count at USP’s main campus (Laucala)?
20, 000+ on campus.
• What is the population count of Suva?
250, 000+ residents in Suva
• What language(s) are spoken in Fiji/on campus?
English, Fijian, Fiji-Hindi
• What is the language of Instruction and Assessment at USP?
• What is the minimum amount of money I should have in a semester to cater for food and travel expenses?
Minimum of $3, 500
• Can I study at USP for a semester/year only?
Yes, you can. For assistance with application/admission process, please contact the International Students Officer on email at international@usp.ac.fj
• Who do I email to get more information on admissions?
For assistance with application/admission process, please contact the International office on email at international@usp.ac.fj
• What are the University Semester dates?
Semester 1 is normally from Febuary – June and Semester 2 is from July – November.
• What programmes/courses do you offer?
Please click here or the Handbook & Calendar to see what programmes/courses are offered.
• What are the application deadlines?
Semester 1 application deadline is October 15 and Semester 2 deadline is May 15.
• What English Language requirements do I need?
USP accepts either TOEFL or IELTS as proof of English. You will need to have an overall score of 6.0 (with a minimum of 6.0 in writing) and 170 for computer based.
• Do I need to apply for a study permit, and can I apply through the international office?
All international students must apply for a study permit. Yes, you are required to have a study permit to study in any of our campuses. The international Office will assist you with this.
• Does the university have accommodation on campus? How do I apply for this?
Yes, USP has on campus accommodation. This may be available but not guaranteed.
• Who do I email to get more information on admissions?
For assistance with application/admission process, please email us at international@usp.ac.fj
• My study permit is about to expire, who do I contact to get an extension?
For study permit enquiries, please contact Ms. Archana Priyadarshani at priyadarshani_a@usp.ac.fj
• Who can I contact to get assistance with my assignments?
Please contact your individual course coordinators, tutors or unit mentors.
• Where can I get counselling services in USP?
USP offers face-to-face counseling at Laucala, Labasa, Lautoka, Savusavu and Solomon Island campuses
USP Exchange Outbound (USP students intending to study with USP’s partner university).
• What is the USP Exchange Programme about?
USP exchange programme extends opportunity to USP’s 12-member country students to study abroad with USP’s partner universities for one semester.
• Who can apply for this exchange programme?
Students at undergraduate level only and those who have completed at least one year of studies.
• Can sponsored students apply for USP exchange programme?
USP exchange programme is open to both private and sponsored students.
• Which universities I can apply to?
You can apply to USP’s partner USP’s in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, U.S.A, Hawaii and Japan. Please refer this link to learn about universities you can apply for your exchange placement and note that placements are subject to availability.
• What is the criteria for application?
• Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above
• No disciplinary record
• Must have completed at least one semester of studies at USP and final semester must be completed at USP as well.
• Must be a regional student (citizen of one of USP’s 12 member countries)
Refer to link for more information.
• What are the requirements?
USP Exchange Application form, Unique Personal Statement of 500 to 1000 words, Character Reference form, Academic Reference form and Exchange Cross Credit form.
• What are the conditions?
Students in their final year of studies are not eligible to apply.
• What are the deadline for submission of application?
Application deadlines are subject to the scheme you are selecting. Refer to link.
• Where can I drop my application?
International Office, CELT Building (opposite USP Library), 2nd Floor
• What languages are spoken in Fiji?
The official language of communication/instruction in Fiji is English. Other languages spoken commonly in Fiji are; the iTaukei language, Fiji Hindi and Chinese.
• Where can I find information about traveling to Fiji?
You can find useful information on Traveling to Fiji here and here
• Do I need a visa to come to Fiji?
You will need a student visa to come and study in Fiji. More information on this can be found here.
For information on Travel Advisory: COVID-19, please visit Fiji Immigration website or email on international@usp.ac.fj should you seek any clarification.
• Where is USP located?
USP is a regional University with its main campus located at Laucala, Suva, Fiji.
• What courses can I study at USP?
You can find the full list of courses we offer here
• Which support services are offered at USP?
The list of support services USP offers can be found here
• What type of environment is USP located in?
USP has a very green campus with the Ocean just a 5mins walk away.
- What is the Erasmus+ Programme? The Erasmus + program is one of the greatest culture and character building programs that exist in Europe. The programme funds 3 Activities; Key Action 1 – Credit Mobility, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practice, Key Action 3 – Policy Reform.
- What is Credit Mobility? Opportunities for students, as well as for staff of education institutions to undertake a learning and/or professional experience in another country;
- How long is the credit mobility period? For students this is for 5 months (1 semester), while for staff this is for one week
- Which University can I apply to? And what programme can I apply for? This is dependent on the call for application. You can check with the International Office on which partnership is currently open and the field of studies supported.
- Which is my home institution? If you are a student, the home institution is the one where you have obtained your diploma, which endows your eligibility to apply to the Project. If you are a teacher or a staff member, the home institution is the one where you work (full-time) or where you have any kind of contract, which endows your eligibility to apply for the Project.
- Which is my host institution? The host institution is the partner university where the applicant wants to develop his/her study/work programme within the Project.
- Can a sponsored student apply for mobility? Yes, participation is not restrictive. You may want to check with your current scholarship provider if they are willing to release you to participate in the the programme.
- What are the eligible countries? Depending on which mobility partnership you are applying for, some will restrict it to Fiji nationals, while others open it to nationals of the 12-member countries, and others still open the programme to all students of USP regardless of nationality. You can check with the International Office on which partnership is currently open and eligible nationalities of applicants.
- Do I need to speak the teaching language of the host institution? The Programme guidelines determine that the applicants must have enough knowledge of the teaching language of the institutions they want to apply to. Being so, that means that if the teaching language is English, regardless of the country offering the study programme, it is enough that the applicant has adequate knowledge of English in order to be eligible. It is extremely important that the applicant checks attentively all the available information about the institution to which he/she intends to apply to, as well as the specific requirements, namely in what concerns the linguistic knowledge.
- Is there a minimum or maximum age in order to apply for the mobility? Any person, regardless his/her age, can submit his/her application. It is crucial that the applicant does an attentive reading of the guidelines for applicants and other informative material made available by the coordinator and, at the same time, to do a direct contact with the contact people at the home and host institutions.
- What are the requirements to apply for our mobility for students? You need to be enrolled on a Bachelor, Master or PhD programme at USP during the academic years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018.
- Do I have to necessarily be enrolled in one of the fields offered in order to undertake the mobility? No, but you must provide due justification of how the field of studies you are applying to supports the current programme you are undertaking at USP.
- Can I send my application by mail, fax or e-mail? All applications must be submitted online through the project’s website. Under no circumstance any other kind of application (mail, fax, e-mail, letter or in person) will be accepted.
- I do not have all the documents required by the application. Can I finish my application? The application form can only be finalized after all the required information are provided in the respective fields and upload all scan required documents. Any mistake made by the applicant when filling in the application form or the lack of any required document will result in the immediate exclusion of the application. If the applicant scans a wrong or blank document in a way that the system allows the submission of the application form, the partnership will immediately invalidate the submitted application and it will immediately be excluded of the application process.
- What kind of financial support will I receive if I am selected? The Project will provide the following financial support to the scholarship holders: Allowance (Undergraduate, Masters and PhD 800EUR/month, Staff 120EUR/day).Plane return ticket between the scholarship holder’s home city and his/her host country. Travel, health and accidents insurance during all the mobility period since the moment of departure and until returning to the home country. Waived Tuition fees.
- Do I have to pay any fees? In no case will a student pay registration fees at the host university; however, certain costs, such as administrative fees, may be required to be paid by the student, according to each host university procedures.
- How and when shall I require for the issuing of my visa? The selected applicants must require for their visa, which will correspond to the type of mobility to which they were accepted. Scholarship holders shall contact the partner institution immediately after the formal communication in which is stated that the applicant was effectively selected to undertake a mobility flow within the Project. Selected applicants must reunite as soon as possible all the required immigration documents, by contacting the listed contacts for partner institution, applicants can be advised on the requirements documents for a visa or study permit. Any obstacle found in this contact must be immediately reported to the contact at home and host institution which will support the applicant in all the procedures. Please be aware that the visa can take 2 months or more to be issued, so we strongly advise to the applicants to contact the partner institution immediately after the formal communication of acceptance.
- Which is the procedure and what warranties can I have regarding accommodation in the host city? There are no guarantees regarding the type of accommodation the applicant can find in his/her host institution. What we can assure is that coordinating institutions have committed to provide all the necessary support to the applicants regarding accommodation, although this may differ between countries and between institutions.