Conference Of Pacific Education Ministers (CPEM)​

In March 2023, Education Ministers from the Pacific region will meet in Auckland, New Zealand for the first Conference of Pacific Education Ministers (CPEM) to discuss some of the Pacific’s most pressing education challenges, which include the impact of Covid-19, which has reached most of our small island nations.

The reframing of the Ministerial forum from the Forum Education Ministers Meeting (FEdMM) to the Conference of Pacific Education Ministers (CPEM) reflects the transition of the hosting of the meeting from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) to the University of the South Pacific (USP) where the Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF) is now being hosted. It also reflects a more active and formal engagement with civil society organisations (CSOs) who are important stakeholders in education development in the Pacific. The last FEdMM was convened virtually by the University of the South Pacific (USP) in April 2021, as most borders were closed due to Covid-19. CPEM will take place in Auckland, New Zealand, from 20–22 March 2023 under the theme: ‘Empowering Education for Pacific People”.

The theme reflects the importance of education to the empowerment of Pacific people and provides a further opportunity to collectively discuss and make decisions on regional education policies that best suit the future development needs of the region. To ensure the conference upholds the PacREF principle of inclusivity, civil society organisations will be given the opportunity to provide input into the ministerial discussions.

The University of the South Pacific jointly organises this year’s CPEM through the PacREF Facilitating Unit (PFU) and the Government of New Zealand, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) serving as the lead agency in partnership with the New Zealand Ministry of Education. This high-level conference will bring together Education Ministers from the Pacific, senior government officials, educators, development partners, civil society organisations, and policymakers to address key education priorities within the Pacific toward the goals of the Pacific Regional Education Framework and 2030 Agenda. Ministers during the conference will be provided with the opportunity to share knowledge and good practices, identify areas of action and explore innovative approaches that member countries can adapt to develop education systems that deliver educational programmes that empower the people of the Pacific to make their own decisions in regard to their future.

The CPEM will be held face-to-face, with Ministers of Education invited to take part in the physical meeting in Auckland, New Zealand.


Professor Pal Ahluwalia

The University of the South Pacific,
Vice-Chancellor and President

Hon Jan Tinetti

New Zealand Minister of Education

Event Locations in Auckland, New Zealand

Pullman Hotel

Homeland Restaurant

Hyundai Marine Sports Centre

Ōrākei Marae

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