Kasilia raises the bar for Early Childhood teaching


Early childhood educators play essential roles in our community; therefore, a high standard of education in Early Childhood prepares educators to carry out their roles effectively. This is one of the reasons Mrs Kasilia Colavoli chose to enrol at the University of the South Pacific to upskill as an educator.

She believes that USP has raised the quality of her teachings for the last 20 years.

“The Diploma in Early Childhood and Care programme taught me early childhood development. With vast resources in their library, I was able to do further reading on theorists and methodology of Early Childhood teaching,” she said.

Kasilia (or Mrs K as her students know her) – has unique teaching methods and has been regarded with much affection from parents and students alike.

“It was through my networks established at USP I launched out to explore and develop my signature teaching method.

“Also, coming from USP, I can implement these in a local context.

Learning and studying the different theorists and different types of play, the importance of planning and implementing for holistic development and the skills and knowledge of child observations on all levels, evaluations and assessments have prepared me well in my role,” she added.

Her passion for teaching Early Childhood has grown mainly because “Early Childhood teachers influence students’ foundation of learning and I’m passionate about contributing to a child’s development.

“It is a way to influence their families and surroundings of the importance of quality early childhood care, positive reinforcement and importance of brain development in children,” she added.

If you are keen to join the workforce as an Early Childhood educator, USP offers programmes under its School of Pacific Arts, Culture and Education (SPACE).

The USP Early Childhood Education & Care programme offers two programmes of study, the Diploma in ECEC and Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood & Care.

Kasilia says she is grateful for the decision she made to take the leap in enrolling at USP and encourages other young people who are passionate to teach to pursue their studies.

She now continues to upskill at USP and is encouraged to meet other educators and professionals pursuing studies in their respective fields.

Applications for Semester 1 are now open.

Meanwhile, there are scholarships now available for Early Childhood Care & Education through the Tertiary Scholarship and Loan Scheme.


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