Nigerian Ambassador visits USP to discuss student exchange collaboration


The Non-resident Ambassador of Nigeria to Fiji, His Excellency, Mr Anderson Madubike, led a delegation to visit The University of the South Pacific (USP) yesterday to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

He was received by USP’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Regional Campuses and Global Engagement) Dr. Giulio Masasso Tu’ikolongahau Pāunga, who briefed Ambassador Madubike on the progress of the University and its commitment to ensuring quality education in the Pacific region.

Ambassador Madubike said he was delighted to visit USP, a renowned institution that can be a catalyst for future cooperation in the education sector.

Ambassador Madubike expressed his aspiration to work together with the University on creating spaces for student exchange.

“We are here to serve humanity, and when we work together, the world is a better place, so let us share the opportunities we have to help each other,” he said

With over 250 universities, Ambassador Madubike added that Nigeria has the platform to host USP students. He hopes that USP will take advantage of Nigeria’s strengths for an enriched future.

Dr Pāunga said the University is always open to new collaborations and is pleased to have Ambassador Madubike choosing to visit Laucala Campus; a testament to USP’s standing.

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