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A total of 20 police officers from the Fiji Police Academy graduated from The University of the South Pacific with Certificate Level 4 in Training and Assessment under Pacific Technical And Further Education (Pacific TAFE).
The Fiji Police said the course enhances their officers’ and instructors’ knowledge of adult training education, processes and methodologies of training.
It added that the Pacific TAFE Certificate Level 4 in Training and Assessment also enables their personnel to develop and deliver training and assessment and evaluation of training.
Fiji Police Director and Education Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Aseri Naikabo acknowledged the Acting Commissioner for supporting the training and study opportunities for the Academy Staff.
“I am grateful to the Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew, for allowing our staff to be part of this training. Such training doesn’t just bode well for our staff but for the Police Academy as well in ensuring staff have access to opportunities to upgrade their qualifications and personal development.”
“The USP Pacific TAFE programme provides a platform for our staff to sharpen their skills in utilising effective training methods, develop and deliver training and assessment and evaluation.”
The 20 officers were elated to be part of the graduation ceremony at our Laucala Campus and expressed their gratitude to the Police Academy and the USP Staff for assisting them throughout their study.
The Pacific TAFE Certificate Level 4 in Training and Assessment is nationally accredited by the Fiji Qualifications Framework by the Fiji Higher Education Commission (FHEC).
This programme reflects the roles of individuals delivering training and assessment services in the skills-based programme. It is also suitable for those engaged in training and assessment of competence in a workplace context.
It is also registered on the Pacific Register of Qualifications and Standards (PRQS).