USP-Tonga Campus hosts Pinktober Morning Tea


To remember those who have passed on and those who continue to fight breast cancer, The University of the South Pacific’s Tonga Campus hosted a joint morning tea for staff and the Student’s Association Executive Team.

Staff and students alike were also requested to wear pink throughout the day.

USP Tonga Campus Director, Dr. Robin Havea said, “We are always happy to be part of this annual global event and it has been a great opportunity for our staff and students to listen to invited speakers including survivors”.

“Most of the time one does not realise how devastating such an illness could bring to anyone’s life let alone the many lives it affects,” he added.

Acting Principal- Queen Salote Institute of Nursing and Allied Health (QSINAH), Sister Meleinu Filise who was the guest speaker highlighted that early detection could save a life and regular checks when irregularities appeared was important.

She encouraged the audience not to be afraid as breast cancer was curable if detected early. She then urged the audience s to seek help and advice from health specialists if they noticed any irregularities first instead of opting for herbal medicine.

USP SAS Staff, ‘Ana Ve’ehala said, “I was so happy to be part of this event as it is for such a good cause, and it is one that reminds us to encourage one another.”


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