A Single Major in Psychology, Minor in Literature
Courses for the Bachelor of Laws:
Core: LW110, LW111, LW112, LW113, LW201, LW202, LW203, LW204, LW205, LW206, LW300, LW301, LW304, LW306, LW308, LW309.
Elective: Eight other 300 level LW courses.
Courses for a Single Major [Psychology]: UU100, UU114, PS101, PS102, PS103, UU200, UU204,
PS203, PS205, PS206, PS304, PS305, PS307, PS312.
Courses for a Minor [Literature]: LT102, LT202, LT305; plus LT307 or LT331
(a) The 3-year Bachelor programmes require the completion of 180 credit points. The 4-year prescribed programmes require the completion of 240 credit points). The 5-year combined programmes require the completion of 300 credit points.
(b) To complete a Bachelors Degree, a student shall complete the requirements specified by the Senate as stated under each programme.
(i) Students admitted to degree programmes are required to complete the four University courses as part of their programme. These courses are UU100, UU114, UU200 and UU204. Any exemptions approved by the Senate will be listed in the individual programme.
(ii) Students admitted to degree programmes are required to pass at least 75% of their Programme course requirement at each level and must include the two first-year University courses, to progress to the next level. This means 75% of the 100-level courses required for the programme must be passed before progressing to the 200-level courses. 75% of 200-level courses required for the programme must be passed before progressing to 300-level; these need not include the 200-level University courses.
(iii) A student may attempt the UU courses up to three (3) times. If a student fails the third attempt for the UU courses, that student shall be excluded from the University.
(iv) The BA, BCom and BSc degrees, shall each be structured so that it consists of either:
(a) a single major comprising a minimum of 67.5 credit points and a maximum of 90 credit points in 1 discipline (hereafter referred to as the major discipline), chosen from the list of disciplines permitted for that Bachelors degree, as follows:
(i) at least 15 credit points must be at the 100-level, and
(ii) at least 15 credit points must be at the 200-level, and
(iii) at least 22.5 credit points must be at the 300-level.
(iv) at least one minor in a discipline (other than a single major discipline) consisting of a minimum of 30 credit points and a maximum of 37.5 credit points of which at least 15 credit points must be at the 200 or 300 level.
Specific requirements of single majors are contained in the relevant programmes.
(b) A double major comprising a minimum of 45 credit points (6 courses) and a maximum of 60 credit points (8 courses) in each of two disciplines.
Specific requirements of double majors are contained in the relevant programmes.
(c) The fulltime load for a Bachelors programme shall be 30 credit points (4 courses) in each semester. A student will not be allowed to take an overload. The part-time load would be a maximum of 15 credit points which is 50% of the full-time load per semester.
(d) No persons shall register in a course unless they have satisfied such prerequisites as Senate may require for that course. Prerequisites may include:
(i) a pass grade (excluding a Restricted Pass) in a specified or unspecified course at a lower level; or
(ii) a pass grade in a specified course at the same level.
(e) Notwithstanding these Regulations, prerequisite waivers may be provided under the following circumstances by the Dean:
(i) Students in their final semester of studies in which case the prerequisite and the course may be taken concurrently in order to complete their studies in that semester.
(ii) Students who have failed the prerequisite with a D grade and take this course concurrently with the required course.
(f) In addition to these general regulations, some Bachelors programmes have specific regulations. These are listed with the programmes under the Faculty in which they are offered.
BA/LLB Programme Requirements:
1. Each of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor Commerce/Bachelor of Laws programmes consists of 40 courses, of which 16 courses are towards the BA or BCom component, and 24 courses are towards the LLB component.
2. The BA or BCom component either:
a) a single major structure:
i) has to the BA or BCom requirements for a single major in one of the allowed disciplines; and
ii) includes elective courses from those allowed for the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Commerce degree to make up the total of 16 courses for the BA or BCom component;
b) a double major structure
i) has conforming to the BA or BCom double major requirements for majors in each of two of the allowed disciplines; and
ii) includes elective courses from those allowed for a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Commerce degree to make up the total of 16 courses for the BA or BCom component.
3. The LLB component consists of:
a) 16 compulsory LW courses of the LLB; and
b) 8 elective LW courses.
4. Students must successfully complete and attain a GPA of at least 2.0 in all 100 level LW courses plus UU100 and UU114 before being able to progress to any 200 level LW courses.