School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education

Graduate Certificate in Education (GCEd)

Programme Code:
Study Level:
1 Year Full Time, 1.5 Years Part Time

Programme Overview

Admission Requirements

i) Hold a University of the South Pacific degree or its equivalent (other than a BEd or BA/ GCEd or BCom/GCEd or BSc/GCEd or their equivalents) with specialisation in two of the following teaching subjects: Accounting, Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Economics, Geography, History, Literature and Language, Mathematics, Pacific Vernacular Languages, Physics, Food & Nutrition and Technology;
ii) Normally have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 in the 200 and 300 level courses in each of their teaching subjects;
iii) Pass a student-teacher interview; and
iv) Provide a character reference from a USP lecturer or the head or a senior teacher of their last school.
Note: The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Law and Education may admit to the programme a student with a GPA marginally below 2.5 who has a strong character reference and who has performed well at the interview.


ED152, ED153, ED250, ED252, ED300, ED350, ED354 and ED359

Programme Requirements

1. The Graduate Certificate in Education consists of 8 courses including a practicum (ED300) of 17 weeks.
2. Students must pass ED300 in order to be eligible for the award of the GCED.

Fees Information
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