General Information
Request for Name Change
Graduands are required to check their full name on SOLS. The names appearing on your Student Online Services (SOLS) account will also be printed on their Award Certificate and Academic transcript. Please note the completion letter will only states the graduands first name and surname.
A request for name change MUST be submitted in writing or by completing the relevant section in the Request for Change of Personal details form and address this to :
Graduation – Request for Name change
C\- Tirisa Fonmanu
Student Administrative Services (SAS)
The University of the South Pacific
Laucala Campus
Suva, Fiji
This should be accompanied by the relevant documentation confirming the change.
Deadline is four weeks before the ceremony date. Please contact your campus for an exact date.
Request for a change in postal address
Please ensure that your Vacation address and contact details on SOLS is updated to your current postal address and current telephone contact. You can complete the relevant section in the Request for Change in Personal details form for this update. This is necessary to facilitate the correct posting of your completion letter, and posting of your Award Certificate & Academic transcript. i.e. if you are unable to attend the graduation ceremony or personally collect your academic documents. All changes must be provided to Tirisa Fonmanu on email : fonmanu_t(at) by the deadline provided by Student Administrative Services (SAS).
If you have a HOLD on your student account
If your student account has a HOLD due to the following reasons your application will be deemed unsuccessful.
- Outstanding debts,
- Un-returned library books, or un-returned USP property,
- discipline issues, etc,
Students should ensure that all their pending issues and arrears are sorted by this due dates provided by Student Administrative Services. Your application will be deemed unsuccessful if the following issues are not sorted.
- Your courses are not properly registered and your tuition fees have not been cleared,
- You have a student HOLD,
- Written approvals for any waiver/substitution of courses from your Head of School (endorsed by the Associate Dean’s office) has not been submitted to Student Administrative Services (SAS) for processing,
- Your pending/outstanding grades and practicum have not been submitted to Student Administrative Services (SAS) for updating,
- The completed paperwork for your thesis (Master, PhD) has not been submitted to Student Administrative Services (SAS) for processing.
Lastly, please note that all correspondence on your application will be sent to your student email account.
For further enquiries, please email the Student Administrative Services – Assessment Team on
Non-Fiji Graduands
All non-Fiji based graduands who are travelling to Fiji to hire/purchase an academic dress and attend the ceremony are required to contact Ms. Aliti Bukarau on email:
You are required to email the following details to so that arrangements on your payment & refund of academic dress can be finalised before you leave the country:
- Send a clear coloured scanned copy of your Biometric information of your passport that states your Full Name, Nationality, passport number.
- Send a copy of your e-ticket confirming date of arrive and departure