Dear Staff and Students,
The University will host the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Seeking Accreditation Visit (SAV1) from 11 to 13 April, 2018.
The WSCUC Visit Team will meet with various groups of people including the Chair of Council, the Council Members, Members of the Senior Management Team, Associate Deans, Heads of Schools, Heads and Directors of Sections and Campuses, Academic and Academic Support Staff, Professional, and Intermediate & Junior Staff, and Students.
The SAV1 Schedule has been confirmed by the Visit Team and includes individual and group meetings and three open forums (see attached). Individual and group meeting invitations have been sent to various personnel. The three open forums will be conducted on Thursday, 12 April 2018 and details are as follows:
I invite you to attend one of the forums relevant to you to meet and converse with the WSCUC Visit Team.
Additionally, as part of the Off-Campus Review (campuses that offer 50% or more of a degree programme), one of the SAV1 Team members (Dr. Leah Williams) will visit USP Emalus Campus (see attached) on 8 and 9 April.
Given the significance of WSCUC accreditation to USP, the Vice-Chancellor and President, Prof. Chandra, has encouraged everyone to participate.
All staff can access the WSCUC Institutional Report that was submitted to the Visit Team via the WSCUC website.
A video has been produced that gives an overview of: what WSCUC is; why the University is seeking accreditation from WSCUC; and what this involves.
Further details on WSCUC accreditation can be accessed from the USP WSCUC Accreditation website. Feel free to email on alo(at) should you need further details/clarification.
Professor Richard K. Coll
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Learning, Teaching & Student Services)
The University of the South Pacific
Private Mail Bag, Laucala Campus
Suva, Fiji
The Seeking Accreditation Visit 1 (SAV1) has been confirmed by the Visit Team and includes individual and group meetings and three open forums.
To view the SAV1 schedule, please click here.
Additionally, as part of the Off-Campus Review (campuses that offer 50% or more of a degree programme), one of the SAV1 Team members (Dr. Leah Williams) will visit USP Emalus Campus (see attached) on 8 and 9 April.
SAV1 Team Bio
SAV1 Roster