- Assoc. Prof. Sandra Tarte
- Dr. Margaret Mishra
- Dr. Milla Vaha
- Dr. Lorenz Gonschor
- Dr. Sarina Theys
- Dr. Natasha Khan
- Mr. Anare Tuitoga
- Ms. Razeen Ali
- Dr. Sevanaia Sakai
- Ms. Resina Senikuraciri
- Mr. Eroni Rakuita
- Ms. Fulori Manoa
- Ms. Smita Singh
- Ms. Emeli Tolo
- Mr. Israel Donumanasava
- Ms. Vasenai Sikinairai
- Ms. Birisita Kedavata
- Assoc. Prof. Sandra Tarte
- Dr. Margaret Mishra
- #1357 (no title)
- Dr. Milla Vaha
- Dr. Lorenz Gonschor
- Dr. Sarina Theys
- Dr. Natasha Khan
- Mr. Anare Tuitoga
- Ms. Razeen Ali
- Dr. Sevanaia Sakai
- Ms. Resina Senikuraciri
- Mr. Eroni Rakuita
- Ms. Fulori Manoa
- Ms. Smita Singh
- Ms. Emeli Tolo
- Mr. Israel Donumanasava
- Ms. Vasenai Sikinairai
- Ms. Birisita Kedavata
Natasha Khan - Assistant Lecturer, & Coordinator, Undergraduate Diploma in Leadership, Governance and Human Rights
Office: 014-104B
Tel: 323-1849
Email: natasha.khan@usp.ac.fj
Natasha is interested in the following areas of research and teaching: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) conflict; Transitional justice; Impunity and amnesty; Coups d’état; Security sector reform; Human rights and development; Human rights defenders; faith, culture and human rights.
Academic Qualifications
BA Sociology & Population Studies and Demography (USP)
MA Social Development Policy & Management (University of Wales, Swansea)
PhD Law (Human Rights) University of York
Ms. Natasha Khan is the Coordinator for the following courses:
DG101 – Principles of Good Leadership and Governance
DG102 – Laws, Legal Systems and Access to Justice
DG301 – Leadership, Governance and Human Rights Internship
Currently involved in the following research projects:
Do Transitional Justice Strategies address Small Island Developing States niche conflicts? Preventing the recurrence of Coups d’état: Study of Fiji
Civil Society, volunteerism and the production of youth citizenship in Fiji
Khan, N. (2020 forthcoming). “Mapping Military Reform in Fiji: Timing it Right”, in the Routledge edited volume titled, Mapping Security in the Pacific: A Focus on Context, Gender and Organisational Culture.
Khan. N.,(2019). “Implementing a Common National Identity”, in (eds.) Singh. S & Lal, N., Ethnic Relations in Fiji: Threats and Opportunities. Dialogue Fiji: Suva
Khan, Natasha (2018). Amnesty for Coup Perpetrators in Fiji: Creating Peace or Potential for Future Conflict. Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 2, p. 148-161. [Online] https://apiar.org.au/?journal-paper=amnesty-for-coup-perpetrators-in-fiji-creatingpeace-or-potential-for-future-conflict
Khan, Natasha (2010), “Participation in the Design of Truth Commissions: Realities and Possibilities. A Comparative Study of South Africa and Fiji”. Saarbrücken: Lambert Publishing.
Khan, Natasha & Vakaotia, Patrick (2009), “Culture and Conflict: Implications for Young People”. Suva: Ecumenical Centre for Research, Education and Advocacy (ECREA Fiji).
McMaster. J, Kato. M & Khan. N (2005), “Economic Impact of E-commerce Strategies for Marketing Small and Micro Tourism Businesses”. Suva: University of the South Pacific.
Williams. E, Kato. M & Khan. N (2004), “Evaluation of CS Curriculum in Fiji Secondary Schools”. Suva: University of the South Pacific.
Schutz. M, Finau. F, Chand. A & Khan. N (2004), “A baseline survey on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the South Pacific: Knowledge, Perception, Usage, Contribution and Potential”. Suva: University of the South Pacific.
Khan, Natasha (2004), “Findings of the Community and Stakeholder Consultations” for CIVICUS. Suva: Fiji Council of Social Services.
Seniloli, Kesaia & Khan, Natasha (1998), “Pacific literature on population and development : an annotated bibliography in the area of population and development in the Pacific particularly in the areas of reproductive family planning, population policies, PAIEC and gender population and development 1986-1996”. Suva: University of the South Pacific