Putting Linguistics into Practice in the Language Classroom

Keasi Prescott, Head of English, Tonga College

Keasi Prescott graduated from a Bachelor of Education (Literature/Language) in 2018, before returning home to Tonga to continue teaching English. She later became Head of English at Tonga College, and then turned her thoughts to studying once again. In 2023, she was awarded a prestigious Chevening scholarship to pursue an MA in Applied Linguistics with TESOL at the University of Birmingham in the UK.


Waisake Raliwalala, Teaching Assistant Fijian Language Studies, USP

Waisake Raliwalala completed a BAGCED in Fijian and Geography in 2020. He then worked at the Ministry of iTaukei affairs at the Tailevu Provincial Council as a field rapporteur for the Integrated Village Development Plan (IVDP) project for quite some time, before joining the Ministry of Education as a classroom teacher. He spent two years teaching in both urban and remote schools, while also studying for a Postgraduate Diploma in Fijian Studies. He is now a teaching assistant in Fijian Language Studies at USP, and combines his teaching duties with his MA studies, doing research on Language Documentation of root crops of the Nayavu Dialect in Wainibuka.

Ben Patia, Cook Islands Māori Teacher, Tereora College

Ben Patia was the first ever graduate with a BA in Cook Islands Māori from USP, double majoring with Geography. Straight after graduation in 2022, he was snapped up by Tereora College to teach junior and senior Cook Islands Māori.

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