Ms. Bhavna Vithal

Discipline: Communication


Extension number: 2679

Expertise / Activities
English for Academic Purposes

Educational Background/ Qualifications
MA (Literature), PGDip (Literature and Language), TESOL (Cert iv), BA (Literature and Language)

Bhavna Vithal has been a student, graduate assistant, and is now an academic staff member of USP. She currently teaches English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and has taught flexi-schools in various regional campuses including Samoa, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Kiribati. She has also tutored 100, 200 and 300 level Literature courses, tutored Academic English for Tertiary Students (AETS) at USP and has also taught EAP at the University of Sydney. She has two dogs, Puppy and Iris, who are 18 and 16 years old.

Research Interests

Excellent teacher of ICTC at BUPT (2017)

Publications & Presentations
“Tracings between two worlds” presented at the First Fiji Literary Festival

USP Chat Service
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