Agreement for curriculum development on climate change reporting


In an effort to strengthen the capacity of government ministries and relevant stakeholders in the area of climate change reporting, The University of the South Pacific (USP) signed a grant funding to develop a curriculum along the lines of monitoring, reporting and verification of climate actions.

Worth USD $80,000, the agreement between The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and USP will focus on the development of the first ever curriculum in Fiji and the region that will look at equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills on climate change reporting.

Representing USP in the signing of the agreement, Acting Director of the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD), Associate Professor Dr Awnesh Singh said this venture is an important one that will help contribute to Fiji’s National Determined Contributions.

“This venture will strengthen capacity to ensure transparency of action implemented and support received to implement Fiji’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS),” he said.

It is envisioned that once the curriculum is developed by USP, it is going to be offered in a series of short courses covering areas in measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI).

The development of the curriculum is an important one as it is going to be the first ever course in Fiji and the region specifically designed to enhance knowledge and skills in climate change reporting.

The curriculum will also factor in gender elements in line with Fiji’s obligation to approaching its global climate commitments and Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement.

There will also be a series of training sessions for those that will be conducting the training for the effective delivery of the course content.

A funding strategy will also be prepared to ensure the sustainability of the courses beyond the project period.

The curriculum is expected to be rolled out once it is fully developed.

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