Agreement Reached Between USP, AUSPS, and USPSU


Dear Members of the University Community,

We are delighted to announce that after eight collaborative and productive negotiation meetings, the University of the South Pacific (USP), the Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff (AUSPS), and the University of the South Pacific Staff Union (USPSU) reached a significant agreement regarding salary negotiations on 4 June 2024. This agreement recognizes the pay increases already awarded in 2022, 2023 and 2024 amounting to a total of six percent (6%) and the increment award paid to all eligible employees in 2023.

The agreement reached is as follows:

1. A One-off Salary Payment for the Period 2019-2023:

o For the period 2019-2021:
 A three percent (3%) one-off salary payment for each year for Academic & Professional Staff.
 A five percent (5%) one-off salary payment for each year for Administrative & Support Staff.

o For the period 2022:
 From January to September: One-off salary payment of three percent (3%) for Academic & Professional Staff and five percent (5%) for Administrative & Support Staff.
 From October to December: One-off salary payment of one percent (1%) for Academic & Professional Staff and three percent (3%) for Administrative & Support Staff.

o For the period 2023:
 A one percent (1%) one-off salary payment for Academic & Professional Staff.
 A three percent (3%) one-off salary payment for Administrative & Support Staff.

2. Approval Process and Payment: This settlement agreement will be recommended to the Finance and Resources Committee (FRC) and subsequently to the Executive Committee (EC) scheduled for late June 2024, with payment to be made in July 2024.

3. Withdrawal of Strike Action: In the spirit of good faith, mutual respect, and a commitment to ongoing and constructive dialogue, the Unions have agreed to withdraw its strike action against the University.

4. Commitment to Ongoing Collaboration: We acknowledge that substantial progress has been initiated to address the remaining issues in the log of claims submitted by both Unions and agree to continue dialogue with a commitment towards mutually beneficial resolutions. This cooperative approach aims to achieve our shared objectives and ensure the continued success and prosperity of the University of the South Pacific.

This joint communique highlights our shared dedication to the well-being of our staff and the ongoing success of our University and is a testament to our dedication to working together for the betterment of our institution. We thank all those involved in the negotiation process for their hard work and commitment.

We look forward to continuing our collaboration to foster a positive and productive environment for all members of our University community.


Professor Pal Ahluwalia
Vice-Chancellor and President
The University of the South Pacific (USP)

Dr Tamara Osborne
The Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff (AUSPS)

Mr Reuben Colata
University of the South Pacific Staff Union (USPSU)


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