It is common knowledge that the feeling of success and achievements cannot be hidden. Having completed my Masters and graduated on the 19th September, 2019, I felt fulfilled. Like every other student who graduated, that was a very special day for me. I returned to my country in November 2019 with a feeling of accomplishment.
On the 8th of March, 2020, I was greeted with an exciting mail from the USP Medals and Prizes Committee notifying me that I had been selected for two awards which came as an awesome surprise. I was awarded Gold Medal and prize for the most outstanding Master of Science Thesis and the David Rohindra Prize for the most outstanding Master’s thesis in Chemistry
As a student receiving the Commonwealth Masters Scholarship, to study at USP was an opportunity for me to accept new challenges. I set goals for myself to do my best and to be the best I can. With the conducive learning environment and several opportunities which USP offered, I am proud to say that receiving these awards is testament to the fact that my goals were met.
While it was a great opportunity to have studied at USP, it also came with its challenges. It is said that having someone who has travelled the path you wish to take makes one’s journey successful. My journey to success was made smooth because I was blessed with a man (my supervisor) who had travelled the path I was taking and succeeded. I’d like to thank Dr. David Rohindra who supervised my thesis and provided me with every advice I needed. Today, I am proud of my achievements because he went beyond playing a supervisory role to ensure I achieved success and I am eternally grateful to him. Also to the other members of Dr Rohindra’s lab who assisted me in one way or another, the wonderful staff of FSTE, I say thank you all!
I have the honor to dedicate my awards to my grandmother, Mrs. Irene (Nee Oruwuihe) who, even in her old age, did not cease to support me while I was doing my undergraduate studies. It was the success of my undergraduate programme that gave birth to the success that I celebrate today. These awards are also dedicated to my beautiful parents and siblings for their support and encouragement.
To students out there, my counsel to you is that hard work pays handsomely. Always aim to be the best you can be. Do not be limited by yourself or the voices of the crowd around. Follow your dreams and work hard and smart. You too can achieve. Remember, it is better to ‘suffer’ for two or three years and enjoy for many more than enjoy for few years and ‘suffer’ for many more.
Finally, I would like to end with my favorite quote by Martin Luther King, Jr:
If you can’t fly, then run
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.