German Family Charity Foundation’s connection with USP Kiribati Campus


The University of the South Pacific (USP) Kiribati Campus extends its great appreciation to the Corja Stiftung, a German Family Charity Foundation for its continued support and assistance.

The foundation’s support was formalised in 2018 through a partnership between the USP Kiribati Campus Director and the Agent of Corja Stiftung, recognising USP KC as the sole institution in Kiribati eligible for this financial assistance.

The financial support provided by the foundation has contributed significantly to easing the financial burdens of students attending USP on the island nation.

The Corja Stiftung was founded by Ms Marja de Pree in 1970s and gained wider recognition in 2000 under Reverend Terikiai Maatata’s management. Following Ms de Pree’s passing in 2019, her son Hubrecht de Pree and his wife Wilma continued her mission.

The Corja Stiftung offers scholarships to Kiribati students at the USP Kiribati Campus, with applications due by February 28th/29th for Semester 1 and July 31st for Semester 2.

Eligible students include those facing financial difficulties and staff of the university who wish to upgrade their qualifications. Each semester, USP KC receives at least $30,000 funding for scholarships.

USP Kiribati Campus Director said the Corja Stiftung scholarship has strict criteria and excludes students who have abused their former scholarships either by being terminated or not meeting passing marks.

Reverend Terikiai Maatata, who has his office at the Kiribati Campus and is a well-respected elder, manages this scholarship.

The Kiribati community and those who have been supported through Corja Stiftung expressed their deep appreciation and gratitude to the foundation for its continued support over the years.

A heartfelt “Huge Karabwarabwa” goes to Reverend Terikiai Maatata for his excellent management of this scholarship and other administrative and financial tasks, ensuring the continuation of this special scholarship.

This collaboration ensures that students at USP KC receive the support they need to pursue their educational goals, continuing the legacy of Ms Marja de Pree and the enduring mission of the CORJA STIFTUNG.

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