Morenika graduates with a Bachelor of Commerce


Morenika Nineta Enosa was one of the students at The University of the South Pacific’s Samoa Campus graduation ceremony who celebrated her achievement of pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce.

University life may come to an end but Morenika’s boarding experience on campus and getting to meet new people of different ethnicities was what she enjoyed the most.

Some useful study methods which helped Morenika to get through exam periods were revising the tutorial questions and notes that were given by the lecturers and tutors during lectures and tutorials and also exam hints and points given a week or two before the exams. Her favourite hangout spot on campus was the USP Laucala Campus bure and Southern Cross where she usually socialised with her friends.

Some of Morenika’s hobbies included playing sports, specifically netball and volleyball and she loved window shopping around Suva city.

She owes her achievement to her parents and her family because they were her biggest supporters.

“I owe everything to my parents and family because nobody else has my back better than they do. They have always been together with me through all the stages of my life; both through the highs and lows,” she said.

If she was not in this field of study, then Morenika’s alternative field would have been sciences and medicine.

Morenika’s advice to prospective students who are planning on studying in the same field is to always attend lectures and tutorials, complete tasks on time and take advantage of peer mentoring sessions. She also encouraged students to ask questions if anything was not clear or understood well.


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