One step at a time helps Alisi get through her first year at USP


Beginning University straight after high school or trying to continue after some time can be a daunting experience and for Jennifer Salogā Apelu Alisi taking the journey one step at a time helped her graduate Foundation Arts from The University of the South Pacific (USP).

Ms Alisi shared how her favourite thing to do during her student life was engaging with other students which eventually gave her the chance to learn about other diverse cultures at USP.

She said, “The fact that my future depends on what I aim for is the main reason I am driven to do what I need to do.”

Though studying at university can be hard, self-discipline and having study groups helped Ms Alisi, especially during exam periods.

She also acknowledged the many people that supported her, especially her mother. Since losing her father, Ms Alisi continues to receive endless support from her mother and family members.

“Foundation Arts is one of the best fields to study because it will enable students to choose from countless degrees to pursue,” she said.

Ms Alisi is excited following the completion of her Foundation Arts programme and is now weighing up her options on whether to study for a Bachelor of Law and Environmental Management or Bachelor of Arts. She also encourages other students to have faith in themselves and instill discipline to work hard when they set out to achieve their goals.


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