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The University of the South Pacific (USP) saw thousands of students, teachers as well as Samoan Government and Private Sector representatives converge on Alafua Campus in Samoa for its 2022 Open Day on Friday 22 July.
USP Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Pal Ahluwalia welcomed students in his first address and event with the Samoa public/community at USP’s Samoa Campus.
He encouraged everyone present to pursue a university education adding that 50 per cent of the Pacific’s leaders were forged at USP.
The theme for this year’s Open Day was “Shaping Pacific Futures,” with USP being the institution where the journey of shaping the Pacific’s leaders of tomorrow began.
Choose wisely and decide well was the message from Mr Faatauvaa Tavita and Eloi Alatimu who together delivered “The Student Experience” keynote of the day from two Samoa Campus students to a thousand plus prospective Samoa Campus students.
The students were also informed about the opportunities available through studying at the University.
The USP Samoa Campus has eight Academic Units comprising six Schools of the University, plus the Pacific TAFE and Pace-SD.
The Open Day was an opportunity to gain full awareness of the University’s programmes and career paths, with first-hand information that would help students to make informed decisions on choices for higher learning
This week, Samoa Campus will hold a second Open Day at its Savai’i Centre in Salelologa on Friday, July 29, targeting all potential students from Savai’i.
The expected exhibition on the day, of USP’s strong pool of programmes and career pathways, will reflect the theme of “Shaping Pacific Futures”, and the function of Open Day as one for discovering and selecting pathways to higher learning and future career goals.