This is the belief of the Chief Guest at USP
Tuvalu Campus’ Open Day, His Excellency the Ambassador Republic of China (ROC) Taiwan, Marc Su, who, in his opening address said, ‘the future belongs to the younger generation they are also responsible for future developments.’
Also attending the event were Officials from the Government of Tuvalu, Members of Parliament, the Diplomatic Corp and USP
Tuvalu Campus Advisory Committee.
In his opening remarks Ambassador Su highlighted the significance of choosing the right subjects in high school that will be relevant to the students for their university programme and future career.
He said USP has quality programmes that can shape the Pacific’s future, but it was the responsibility of the students to select the appropriate one. ‘USP is famous for its network and links with regional and international partners and believes that the USP
Tuvalu Campus would be the best place for students to improve their ability to get the right knowledge and capacity to contribute to their own future and shape the Pacific’s future.
H.E. Marc Su has always been supportive of events organised by USP and his office funds the English Language Programme developed by the Campus.
After the official opening, a booth tour and a panel discussion were held. Eight students representing the eight island communities in Tuvalu participated in the panel discussion and spoke on critical issues faced by them and proposed solutions.
Some of the proposed solutions included diversifying the economy base, creating employment, developing local resources, purchasing relevant resources for schools, creating more awareness on COVID-19 and translating water management and land policies in the vernacular language. Panellist and representative from the Funafuti Island Community, Ms. Sandra Taasi, wants to see qualified people in Tuvalu develop industries to consequently see Tuvalu graduate from being one of the Least Developed Countries and not be dependent on handouts.
The purpose of the panel discussion was to develop the students’ critical thinking skills and confidence in public speaking.
In responding to the panelists, former Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Enele Sosene Sopoaga congratulated the young leaders for their courage in raising some of the critical issues pertaining to Tuvalu and stated that they are young leaders whose actions and decision now are helping their future and the future of Tuvalu. He stressed to them the significance of thinking globally and acting locally.
R.H Sopoaga said during the COVID-19 pandemic, with restrictions on travel and trade in place, it is paramount for all to explore local solutions to these issues such as decentralising development and using resources in the outer islands.
Each panelist was awarded a computer tablet as a token of appreciation for their work.
In handing out the tablets,
Tuvalu Campus Director, Dr. Rosiana Lagi, said it was a good learning tool for remote students. She thanked the students for their time and their parents for their support. She thanked the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Regional Campuses) and the
Information Technology Services Department for the provision of the tablets.
The Open Day concluded with a cultural performance by the students held at Nauti Primary School Ground.