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Thousands of secondary school students flocked to The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Laucala, Lautoka and Labasa campuses to be part of the USP Open Day 2022.
In his opening remarks, USP Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia said, “This Open Day is an exciting one for us as we welcome all visiting students, their principals and teachers to our Campuses after two years.”
Professor Ahluwalia added that USP was the Pacific’s pride, drawing its strength from the diversity of its students and staff from both within and outside the Pacific region.
“As a regional university, it enriches our students’ educational and research experiences, fostering lifelong friendships and connections in the region and internationally,” he also highlighted.
The Vice-Chancellor also pointed out, “USP is excited to provide students with intellectually stimulating programmes as well as the vibrancy of its multicultural community and we believe that USP programmes are of the highest quality, offer the best value, and offer the best opportunity for long-term success and lifelong learners.”
Students from as far as Levuka took advantage of the opportunity to engage with academics at USP, to have their students thoroughly informed of subject combinations and programmes that are available and career paths for their pupils.
Saint John’s College in Cawaci, together with Levuka Public Secondary School travelled by boat a day before to be in attendance at the annual event.
USP Alumni and Year 13 Teacher at Saint John’s College, Shonal Butturu said students had been preparing for the Open Day for a week and parents helped fork out for the expense of sending their children to Suva.
Mr Butturu stressed the support students get from parents in Levuka was immense and they strongly believed an opportunity to expose their young people to such events was a great way to assist them to decide on what to study and what they needed for their career paths they wished to take.
The Open Day ends at 4pm.
The Virtual Open Days are scheduled from 26-28 September 2022. Please visit to register.