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With a growing skills gap in the market, The University of the South Pacific (USP) has programmes within its various Schools across all its campuses that are relevant to what is needed in today’s labour market.
Pacific Technical and Further Education (Pacific TAFE) has a number of well-recognised accredited programmes for part-time or working students, school leavers or those just looking to continue their studies.
Head of College of Continuing Vocational Education and Training (C-VET) Nilesh Kumar said, “The programmes provide employment opportunities at entry and paraprofessional levels and create pathways for higher studies at USP where approved, and career advancements for working people”.
“We offer professional and vocational education and have programmes that are relevant to the youths, and the challenges that are being faced as a country and regional community,” he added.
Pacific TAFE has about 40 qualifications in the areas of business, environment, science, humanities, and arts including tourism and hospitality.
Referring to business programmes, Mr Kumar said they had a range of programmes targeted at those who would like to start up a business of their own. He added that while students may not have had the required education, USP could step in to assist so that students would be able to start their ventures.
Quality education remains a top priority for USP, and students who are concerned about the payment of fees can rest assured as USP is offering the following fee discounts:
– 10 per cent discount for full fee payment by 26 August 2022; and
– 5 per cent discount for full fee payment by 9 September 2022.
There are also payment plan options available together with the University’s Bursary Scheme for existing students.
USP has also opened its application for all Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Master’s programmes until 11 August 2022 to enable students to enrol for Semester 2 and online registrations have also begun.
Classes for Semester 2, 2022 begin on 15 August.