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The University of the South Pacific (USP) Republic of the Marshall Islands Campus held its Open Day last week, after a lapse of two years due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
USP Vice-Chancellor and President (VC&P), Professor Pal Ahluwalia said the open day has been a usual tradition and dubbed as one of the major annual events in the university’s calendar which showed the institution’s commitment to enhancing and improving tertiary education in the region.
“In our commitment to the people of the Marshall Islands, we open our doors to you today and invite you to learn about USP, the only regional university tailor-made for and by the people of the Pacific Islands. You are at the intersecting of two roads and at this intersection, you must make a crucial decision – will you traverse the road that leads you to higher education or will you choose another direction? Naturally, it is our hope that higher education with USP is the choice you make at your crossroads,” Professor Ahluwalia said.
The VC&P added that higher education places one in a position to learn more, to know more, to do more, and to earn more.
“Prosperity and security are just two benefits among a lengthy list of reasons to pursue higher education. Higher education gives you space: space at the table and in meeting rooms where most decisions are made about long island Majuro and the future of the Republic of the Marshall Islands,” he stated.
Professor Ahluwalia was proud of the recognition the University had received in recent years, particularly for two consecutive years, USP ranked among the Top 10 per cent of the best universities in the world by Times Higher Education.
“Our programmes are driven by the desire to see our students achieve. They are supported by university services designed to help you succeed. Today, we open our doors and encourage you to meet our academics and students. We invite you to explore our programmes and to meet the people who can connect you to the programme that fits your interests best,” he added.
USP Deputy Vice-Chancellor andVice-President (Regional Campuses and Global Engagements), Dr Giulio Masasso Tu’ikolongahau Paunga said the Open Day gave prospective students more insight into what USP had to offer.
“We are at your doorsteps and today we encourage you to seek the pathway to your future. The Open Day provides an opportunity for prospective students and their families to attain first-hand information on the programmes and courses on offer enabling them to make the right choice for their tertiary education. Whether you are finishing secondary school soon or returning to study as a mature student, we can help you navigate your way to becoming a university student,” Dr Paunga said.
Meanwhile, 222 students from eight high schools in the Marshall Islands attended the Open Day.
Representatives from each school commended the University for opening its doors and the effort to enlighten potential students on their career pathways and programmes on offer.
Over 40 people from the nearby areas also attended and witnessed the displays.