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Students and alumni from the USP Tourism and Hospitality discipline following a foreshore clean-up in Lami.
The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) School of Business & Management (SBM) was represented on Saturday, March 27th at the Lami foreshore clean-up led by Lami Town Council.
Students and alumni from the Tourism and Hospitality discipline joined other members of the public, IUCN, ANZ Bank and the Uto-ni-Yalo crew members picking up trash on land and along the foreshore and adjacent waterways. The group also assisted by sorting the different types of trash being collected which made it easier for organisers to quantify the amount of trash collected.
Organisations such as IUCN, WWF and SPREP drive campaigns to address pollution in Fiji and the Pacific, individuals and other groups of concerned citizens often work behind the scenes to progressively join the fight against pollution.
As a discipline within the University which embeds issues of conservation and sustainability within its curriculum, students and alumni have continued the tradition of supporting the sustainability of the environment, whether on fieldtrips or community outreach projects.
Final year student, Bernadette Tunidau agrees that projects like these “are meant not only for the community but for each citizen to contribute to saving our environment”.
Graduate assistant Elenoa Draunidalo believes “that more Fijians need to take ownership when it comes to sustaining our environment for future generations”.
Alumni Solo Stark’s advice to everyone is, “love the environment enough to care”.
Head of School, Professor Gurmeet Singh encouraged all students and alumni to look for opportunities to volunteer and give selflessly for a greater cause. He added that “keeping the environment clean is every body’s responsibility and we all must do our part”. Professor Singh thanked all those who participated and said the School looked forward to participating in more community projects this year.