The Discipline of Engineering & Physics offers Science and Engineering programmes in 4 disciplines: Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Physics.
The Engineering Programmes provide training to suit the workforce needs of the region especially for the USP member countries.
Our four year Professional Bachelor of Engineering (BE) programme in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering has been accredited by Engineering New Zealand. Engineering degrees accredited by Engineering New Zealand are recognized as meeting the initial academic requirements for professional engineers. We thank all Discipline staff for their effort in getting the two programmes accredited.
The Physics Programme offers a BSc degree. The training focuses in the area of Renewable Energy and Environment Electronics and Communications and Pure Physics. Students have a choice to pursue their BSc degree in Physics as a Single Major, Double Major or Minor.
The Discipline also offers graduate courses in many areas of specialization. This includes Postgraduate Diploma, Maters in Science (MSc) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in either Engineering Technology, Renewable Energy, Electronics and Communications or Environmental Physics. MSc and PhD have specialist research topics which are dependent on the faculty members’ research interests. Interested students may contact the School Secretary or the Head of School for more details.
Deepika Lal
Administration Block
Laucala Campus
Tel:(+679) 323 2223
fax:(+679) 323 1538
Professor Maurizio Cirrincione
Head of School
Tel:(+679) 323 2419