Selected publications by THM members
THM members have worked and researched in various regional contexts including the South Pacific, South-East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Main areas of research include Tourism and Development Challenges; Tourism, Migration, and Mobility; Sociocultural Implication and Application in Tourism and Hospitality; Tourism and Microbusinesses; Forms of Sustainable Tourism
Books and Monographs
- Stephenson. M.L. and A. Al-Hamarneh (eds) (2017) International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge, London
- Trupp, Alexander (2017): Migration, Micro-Business and Tourism in Thailand: Highlanders in the City. London: Routledge. (ISBN: 9781138210813)
- Bianchi, R. and M.L. Stephenson (2014) Tourism and Citizenship: Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities in the Global Order, Routledge, London. ISBN: 978-0-415-70738-1 (paperback).
- Husa, Karl, Trupp, Alexander & Wohlschlägl, Helmut (Eds.) (2014), Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions. Issues and Trends in Tourism and Migration. Vienna: Department of Geography and Regional Research. (ISBN: 978-3-900830-84-7)
- Dabringer, Maria & Trupp, Alexander (Eds.) (2012), Wirtschaften mit Migrationshintergrund. Zur soziokulturellen Bedeutung ethnischer Ökonomien in urbanen Räumen. Reihe Konzepte und Kontroversen. Materialien für Unterricht und Wissenschaft in Geschichte – Geographie – Politische Bildung. Wien: StudienVerlag.
- Stephenson, M.L. (with C. Steiner, T. Richter, S. Dörry, VM. Neisen, Lemma, VM., Mitchell, JGB) (2012), Economic Crisis, International Tourism Decline and its Impact on the Poor, An Analysis of the Effects of the Economic Crisis on the Employment of Poor and Vulnerable Groups in the Tourism Sector, Madrid/Genf: UNWTO/ILO, Print ISBN: 978-92-844-1443-7, Online ISBN: 978-92-844-1444-4
- Karnik, A. and M.L. Stephenson (eds) (2011) Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences, Conference Proceedings, Middlesex University Dubai, ISBN 978-9948-16-372-5.
- Trupp, Alexander & Trupp, Claudia (Eds.) (2009), Ethnotourismus – Interkulturelle Begegnung auf Augenhöhe? Wien: Mandelbaumverlag.
Book Chapters
- Batzner A.N. and M. Stephenson (2017) Towards a GCC Ground Transport Network – Fostering Tourism and Regional Integration, in M. Stephenson and A. Al-Hamarneh (2017) International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, London.
- Ekiz, E.H., Z. Oter and M.L. Stephenson (2017) Tourism Development in Saudi Arabia – Assessing the Challenges, in M. Stephenson and A. Al-Hamarneh (2017) International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, London.
- Stephenson, M.L. and A. Al-Hamarneh (2017) Introduction: Tourism Development and the GCC States (2016) International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, London.
- Stephenson, M.L. and Vyas, A. (2017) The Environmental Impact of Tourism Development in Dubai: Moving Towards a Sustainable and Environmental Citizenship Agenda, M. Stephenson and A. Al-Hamarneh (2017) International Tourism Development and the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Routledge, London.
- Movono, A., Pratt, S., & Harrison, D. (2015a). Adapting and reacting to tourism development: a tale of two villages on Fiji’s Coral Coast. In S. Pratt & D. Harrison (Eds.), Tourism in Pacific Islands: Current issues and future challenges (pp. 101-117). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Movono, A., Pratt, S., & Harrison, D. (2015b). Adapting and reacting to tourism development: A tale of two villages on Fiji’s Coral Coast. In S. Pratt & D. Harrison (Eds.), Tourism in Pacific Islands (pp. 101-117). Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
- Butratana, Kosita & Trupp, Alexander (2014). Thai female migration to Austria. In K. Husa, A. Trupp and H. Wohlschlägl (Eds.), Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions. Issues and Trends in Tourism and Migration (pp. 220-236). Vienna: Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna.
- Gibson, D. (2015). Community-based tourism in Fiji – A case study of Wayalailai Ecohaven Resort, Yasawa Island Group. In D. Harrison and S. Pratt (Eds.), pp. 118-133, Tourism in Pacific Islands: Current Issues and Future Challenges. (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility). London: Routledge.
- Gibson, D. (Accepted 2014). Community-based tourism in Fiji – A case study of Wayalailai Ecohaven Resort, Yasawa Island Group. In D. Harrison and S. Pratt (Eds.). Tourism in Pacific Islands: Current Issues and Future Challenges. London: Routledge.
- Gibson, D. (2014). Green tourism alleviating poverty – Community-based tourism/Ecotourism in Fiji. In M. Jiang, T. Delacy, G. Lipman, S. Vorster and R. Hawkins (Eds.), pp. 159-173, Green growth and travelism – The academic viewpoint. London: Routledge.
- Husa, Karl, Trupp, Alexander & Wohlschlägl, Helmut (2014). Introduction: Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions. In K. Husa, A. Trupp and H. Wohlschlägl (Eds.), Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions. Issues and Trends in Tourism and Migration (pp.7-16). Vienna: Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna.
- Trupp, Alexander (2014). Ethnic Tourism in Northern Thailand: Viewpoints of the Akha and the Karen. In K. Husa, A. Trupp and H. Wohlschlägl (Eds.), Southeast Asian Mobility Transitions. Recent Trends in Tourism and Migration (pp. 346-376). Vienna: Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna.
- Trupp, Alexander (2014). Rural-Urban Migration and Ethnic Minority Enterprise. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Contemporary socio-cultural and political perspectives in Thailand (pp. 267–282). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Stephenson, M.L. and N. Ali (2010) Tourism, Travel and Islamophobia: Post 9/11 Journeys of Muslims in Non-Muslim States, in N. Scott and J. Jafari, Tourism in the Muslim World. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 235-251.
Editor (special issue)
- Paris, C.M., M.L. Stephenson and L. Hyland (2016) ‘Emerging topics in niche tourism, the hospitality industry, and online consumer behaviour’, Anatolia, 27(3).
- Dolezal, Claudia and Trupp, Alexander (managing editors) (2015): Special Issue: Tourism and Development. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 8(2). Vienna: Society for South-East Asian Studies (see: )
- Paris, C. and M.L. Stephenson (2013) Guest Editors. Special Issue on Emerging Perspectives and Topic in Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 5(1/2)
Refereed Journal Articles
- Trupp, Alexander, & Sunanta, Sunanta. (2017). Gendered practices in urban ethnic tourism in Thailand. Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 76-86.
- Trupp, A, & Bui, H. T. (2016): Thai Outbound Tourism to Austria: Trends and Issues. In: SDU Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1), 1-14
- Dolezal, Claudia and Trupp, Alexander (2015): Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia. In: Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 8(2), 117-124.
- Trupp, Alexander (2015): Agency, Social Capital, and Mixed Embeddedness among Akha Ethnic Minority Street Vendors in Thailand’s Tourist Areas. In: Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 30(3), 779-817.
- Trupp, Alexander (2015): The Development of Ethnic Minority Souvenir Business over Time and Space. In: IJAPS – International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 11(1). 145-167
- Trupp, Alexander (2015): Akha Souvenir Sellers in Thailand’s Urban Tourist Areas: Social, Economic, and Political Structures. In: Rian Thai – International Journal of Thai Studies 8, 1-22.
- Bui, T. Huong & Trupp, Alexander (2014): The Development and Diversity of Asian Tourism in Europe: The case of Vienna. In: International Journal of Tourism Sciences 14(2), 1-17.
- Stephenson, M.L. (2014) Tourism, Development and ‘Destination Dubai’: Cultural Dilemmas and Future Challenges, Current Issues in Tourism, 17(8), 723-738.
- Stephenson, M.L. (2014) Deciphering ‘Islamic Hospitality’: Developments, Challenges and Opportunities, Tourism Management, 40, 155-164.
- Trupp, Alexander (2014): Host Perspectives on Ethnic Minority Tourism in Northern Thailand. In: International Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 6 (1), 58-80
- Bianchi, R and M.L. Stephenson (2013) Deciphering tourism and citizenship in a globalised world, Tourism Management 39, 10-20.
- Gibson, D. (2013). The cultural challenges faced by indigenous-owned small medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs)in Fiji. Case studies from the Yasawa Islands. Journal of Pacific Studies, 32, 106-132.
- Pratt, S., Gibson, D. & Movono, A. (2012). Tribal tourism in Fiji: an application and extension of Smith’s 4Hs of indigenous tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, pp.1-20. DOI:10.1080/10941665.2012.717957. E-ISSN:1741-6507 Print ISSN: 1094-1665 Website: Publisher: Taylor and Francis.
- Trupp, Alexander (2011). Exhibiting the ‘Other’ Then and Now: ‘Human Zoos’ in Southern China and Thailand. In: ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 4 (1), 139–149.
- Stephenson, M. and J. Ali-Knight, (2010) Dubai’s Tourism Industry and its Societal Impact: Social Implications and Sustainable Challenges, the ‘Middle East and North Africa Special Issue’, of the Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 8(4) 278-292.
- Stephenson, M.L. and K.A, Russell and D. Edgar (2010) Islamic Hospitality in the UAE: Indigenization of Products and Human Capital, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(1) 9-24.
- Baron, P. J. Ali-Knight and M.L. Stephenson, M.L. (2009) International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering, 1(2) 1-41.
- Luck, D. and M.L. Stephenson (2009) An Evaluation of the Significant Elements of Customer Relationship Management within the Hotel Industry, Tourism Today, 9, 7-26.
- Park, H.Y. and M.L. Stephenson (2007) A Critical Analysis of the Symbolic Significance of Heritage Tourism, International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering, 1(2) 1-41.
- Stephenson, M.L. and R.V. Bianchi (2007) ‘Journeying into the Lives of Others’: A Critical Analysis of Ethnography, Tourism and Tourists’, International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering, 1(1) 1-41.
- Stephenson, M.L., (2007) Travelling to the Ancestral Homelands: The Aspirations and Experiences of a UK Caribbean Community, in D. Timothy, The Heritage Tourism Experience, Ashgate, Aldershot.
- Stephenson, M.L., (2007) The Socio-Political Implications of Rural Racism and Tourism Experiences in Tribe, J and Airey, D., New Directions, Critical Challenges and Fresh Applications in Tourism Research, Elsevier, pp. 171-184.
- Stephenson, M.L. (2006) Travel and the ‘Freedom of Movement’: Racialised Encounters and Experiences amongst Ethnic Minority Tourists in the EU, Journal of Mobilities, 1(2) 285-306.
- Stephenson, M.L. and H.L. Hughes (2005) Racialised Boundaries in Travel and Tourism: A Case Study of the UK Black Caribbean Community, Leisure Studies, 24(2) 137-160.
- Stephenson, M.L. (2004) Tourism, Racism and the UK Afro-Caribbean Diaspora, in T. Coles and D. Timothy, Tourism, Diasporas and Space, Routledge, London, pp. 62-77
- Stephenson, M.L. (2002) Travelling to the Ancestral Homeland: The Aspirations and Experiences of a UK Caribbean Community, Current Issues in Tourism, 5(5) 378-425.
- Stephenson, M.L. and H.L. Hughes (1995) Holidays and the UK Afro-Caribbean Community, Tourism Management, 16(6) 429-435.